Dead Caesar

Jul 20, 2007 11:46

Oh yes, sugarplums, it's update time!

Sadly I have no photos. Apologies, Ark. I just don't feel pretty enough to take photos of me in awesome shirt. Give it some time.

I've spent the entire week getting up before 8:30, driving my friend to Uni, driving home, doing misc things for two to three hours, sleeping, picking my friend up from Uni and then being amazingly bored all evening. Well, not quite so bored because there is TV and Monday and Tuesday was spent baking cookies which was a lot of fun. The cookie dough was eating my fingers and I had to blow my nose but couldn't. So Ro had to hold the tissue for me. After hysterical laughter I managed to have a clean nose. See, that's what friends are for.

Yesterday I went out with the lads to see Dead Caesar. It's a play based on the assassination of Julius Caesar. Was hilarious, filled with contemporary jokes, musical numbers, movie spoofs, and homoerotic touches.  Was brilliant. I loved the song about how all dead people who were bastards are made out be alright blokes. Just about died over the line mentioning 'all liberal voters' WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Andrew Hansen in a toga was just brilliant. He pulled a hugely cheerful face every time he got to his keyboard to play something. Even if that something was a sombre piece.

It was just a brilliant night out. The train was a bit of a pain because there was trackwork on the way home. But even that wasn't so bad. There was something really nice and relaxing being stuffed in a bus full of fellow commuters who had been screwed over by CityRail. Hearing that gentle hum of voices while driving through the dark suburbia of St Marys.

So all in all it was a very very nice evening out. From the mad dash to the train (which we managed to make with barely a minute to go) to the surprising bus ride.

I've got a really busy week ahead. Meeting up with loads of people, discussing important and frivolous things. Basically just trying to cram as much fun in before Uni commences the following week.

Boo and hiss to that. I don't wanna study no more!



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