Jun 25, 2007 00:13
I spent an hour of my morning traversing MySpace because I was curious about my former high school colleague's. I found about seven of them, a few of which I had to think really hard on to remember who they even were. I have to say that MySpace is totally stupid and I detest the layout, coupled with that people put weird shit up there which makes it all even harder to navigate and read. But I did manage to get the gist of a few things. Seems like a few are very closely connected, which is good for them, I guess. A lot of them have traveled all around Europe to my astounding surprise. Yet they still all type like philistine's and are people I never want to associate with ever again. Someone is pregnant and everybody else seems to have moved but still living locally. It's so strange getting information by reading peoples personal things, even if they are made public. I know this is the nature of the Internet but it reminds me that you can never know who might read what you write down.
This morning/early afternoon I finally finished The God Delusion. The last few chapters are truly very inspiring and informative. I understand atheism a lot better now as well as the core arguments as to why Religion is such a dangerous thing. There were numerous times where I was just disgusted and and angry, and I still am because of the hypocrisy religion creates. I am angry and annoyed at people who have faith because they cannot answer any questions.... I mean really answer them in a way that actually makes sense to ones own logic. One of the things that really shits me, and which was beautifully put forth in the book is that religious people are just all deluded. They don't actually, truly believe anything they preach. They believe but they are not convinced of their own lies, somewhere deep down inside. Why do religious people vehemently oppose euthanasia? Life after death is what they believe in after all. It makes sense for them to want to die. After all... Heaven is the main draw point to have faith. Why are they so opposed to mercy killings then? Why do they cry at funerals? Why aren't they excited about the prospect of finally leaving this dreary life behind and starting things anew? We, who do not believe in such nonesense as life after death are for euthanasia. We are for ending suffering. It's like when you take a pet to a vet to have it put down. It's for the animals own good. If we didn't do it we would get animal rights authorities on our arses telling us we are being cruel to have an animal suffer like that. Yet when it comes to humans we cannot because religion says it is wrong. Religion has no place in the world. We are animals, religion wants to elevate us from this stance, but it doesn't change the fact that we are animals. Let us go back to the earth and return to nothingness. The last few chapters really comforted me. I've been scared of death, I've been saddened by the thought of not seeing humanity develop, but it doesn't matter. The world moved on before my birth and it will go on after my death. I will return to my original state. I don't know how to put it... but it's just really comforting.
Days are moving by real slow right now. I am trying to do as many different things throughout the day as I can. The more you cram into the day the longer it seems, and I want my days to be really long and slow so I can drag this holiday break out for as long as I can. In my mind anyway. I know I have no control over time :p
Doctor Who was great. I was way wrong about my assumptions on what would happen from last weeks episode preview.... and I cannot tell you how very glad I am about that!
So, that's it then. I'll be off. Will do certain things tomorrow, perhaps play a bit, do some crafts... and see Aimee on Tuesday to give her stuff and then on Wednesday again to say the final good-bye. That's gonna be hard :-S