Is it really a problem?

Jun 16, 2007 23:44

Something is bothering me. It's been spanning over years now. People always tell me to smile. If they are not telling me that I should smile more they remark how good it is to see me smiling.


Do I have a permanent sullen expression plastered across my face? I know a lot of you can't answer me, because you don't actually have to put up with me on a daily basis.

Lately I've just really been wondering about it. I'd describe myself as a.... neutral person. I smile and stuff. But like three weeks ago a man in my Karate class commented on me being in a 'better mood' than I had been for ages. I seriously don't get it. Nothings changed. I'm not happier, I am not sadder. Nothing bad nor good has happened. I feel the same as always. I act the same as always. I'm not enjoying Karate more than usual but miraculously I've actually attended class consistently for the last month. Today my dad's boss came by to drop off stuff and he told me that it's good to see me smile. WTF?! Why would he say that? It's not like I actually ever see him. I used to work at his place for work experience like 5 or 6 years ago but what relevance would this have to myself as a person? Am I really so unsmiley and unfriendly looking that it sticks out in peoples minds?

I don't get it. Maybe I should pay no heed to it.  Or maybe I should walk around with a smile plastered on my face. It's just  weird that two different people should be saying I look much happier within such a small gap of time when there's been nothing to bring this up.

But even just in general I used to go through High School with my teachers telling me I should smile more.

I mean.... am I a freak? Or have any of you been through this too? Is there really a need for me to smile more? Or can I just go on with my life as I have been? Maybe my face is all downturned so I look like I'm frowning when I'm not? I dunno. I think some of my muscles are a bit lax. Like I can move them ever so slightly and I can feel me smiling but it's actually not a a great visual difference. But who cares about the outside? Why should I? I know I'm happy on the inside even if no one can see me smile.

And Paul McDermott sang a really gorgeous song today from his GUD days. Sadly I cannie find Transcendend anywhere. But instead I'll give you Your Jeans Are Too Tight.mp3 by Paul. It's a funny song and serves as a reminder for all us women out there to not wear uber tight pants :p

but the lyrics below are from Transcended, just so I won't lose them. Finding any GUD info is kinda complicated.

You float, you float across the sea
They say you're guaranteed
You've transcended
And you fly, you fly across the sky
Your arms are open wide
You've transcended
You've transcended

Go child
Go and find the arms that warm you
You know child
Know no one will ever harm you
Run wild
You've finally found the thoughts that calm you
Waiting for silence to call

In space you can barely breathe
I tell you what you need
To transcend it
If you hold to another soul
And when they let you go
You'll transcend it
You'll transcend it

Go child
Go and find the arms that warm you
You know child
Know no one will ever harm you
Run wild
You've finally found the thoughts that calm you
So stretch out, stretch out and smile

Ooh la la ooh la da la la
Ooh la la ooh la da la la
Ooh la la ooh la da la la ooh
Ooh la la ooh la da la la
Ooh la la ooh la da la la
Ooh la la ooh la da la la ooh

With fate you can barely speak
I tell you what you need
To transcend it
The night, the night is closing in
Feel it on your skin
Transcend it
As you hold to another soul
And if they let you go
Transcend it
And in space you can barely breathe
I tell you what you need
To transcend it
In space well you can barely breathe
Well you can barely breathe
Well you can barely breathe

Ja Ne!

[ edit ]

Someone uploaded Transcended. Both the GUD version and the one sung on The Sideshow. GUD version has guitar backings while The Sideshow used a piano and has Tripod on backing vocals. I uploaded the GUD version for anyone who's interested. :) Though I like The Sideshow version better.

Transcended.mp3 3.18MB

Actually... I will upload the Sideshow version too and strongly urge you to download that one instead if you do indeed wanna listen to the song. It was a wav. file and I converted it to MP3 and chopped the ending and fixed the loudness and a little blip in the track. And it sounds pretty decent. Less tinny than the GUD version even. This one also has new verses inserted. Go on, download it. Paul's got such a beautiful voice.

Transcended (Sideshow version).mp3 4.3MB

[ /edit ]

lyrics, life, mp3

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