(no subject)

May 20, 2007 23:53

The panic is just getting worse and worse. I did nothing this entire weekend. Fucking nothing!!!!


I'm also concerned about Blacky. He's been ridiculously itchy this past week. He's got an awful open wound on his hind leg, he's chewing his foreleg and today I noticed he's got these welts all over his muzzle, which is terribly itchy because he just sits outside and rubs his snout against the grass. I guess that's better than his actually scratching that area with his foot. Which he is doing so he's got open wounds on his chin.

On top of that he just keeps farting and eating grass. He doesn't eat breakfast or dinner, just grass. But if he ain't eating anything why does he keep farting, AAARGH! God he's a stink bomb!

I also think he might have a cold or something. He's very quiet and today while we were washing him he sounded really hoarse when he was making his usually cute doggy noises.

No clue. I'm not a vet. I want to kick my dad in the head. Both my parents have this 'it's nothing serious' attitude where they just refuse to take him to the vet. I'm sure I've brought this up before but that's the exact facking response they gave when Banjo has his weird fits and shiverings. At least they took him to the vet the second time it happened. Not that it did him much good.

I'm not saying Blacky's on deaths door. But he's definitely not right at the moment. Hope he gets better soon.

And I saw FourPlay last night.

Oh fuck... I just closed FireFox by accident.

I am so glad LJ has this post recovery program. I could kiss whoever implemented it!

Back to FourPlay. It was fantastic. I knew it be a good idea to go see them because they have great dynamics and certainly aren't dull to look at. I'm really happy that my mates had a good time though.My only complaint is... they weren't loud enough. And I have to say... I do have one heck of an awesome brother. It takes a lot of winging and nagging but he'll do pretty much anything you ask of him. That could be because he's got no backbone, or it could be because he's nice. Who knows. But it was really nice of him to be my taxi driver last night. Curse Parramatta and its lack of parking spaces.

I'm so sad. I can't find my Stephen K Amos CD. The CD which he signed for me and everything.. coz... you know.... I met him.


I love Stephen. He's a fantastic guy. Now if only I could find that CD -__-

So... I was watching The King tonight (that telemovie about Graham Kennedy), I missed the first half so I had no real idea what was going on aside from some homosexual innuendo which I don't know if it actually existed or if I just got it all out of context O_o.  Also, seeing a movie about a dead guy with characters in it who are still living i.e: Bert Newton, being played by somebody else just creeps me out. So I changed channels to the ABC and lo and behold, my religious guru, Richard Dawkins, was on with his Root of all Evil? documentary, which is basically The God Delusion in televised form. Be still my beating heart! I kind of tuned in at the wrong moment because it sounded like he was having a go at just the Muslim faith but then it all made sense in the end.

My god... (oh the irony!).. religious people are so infuriating. And I have to say, though there be a risk of sounding racist... Muslim men are scary beyond all reason. Especially the zealous types. Just so daft. But then again, that could have been because Richard was trying to have a logical and open minded discussion with a religious fanatic. Doesn't matter what religion they are of. They will all just be insanely scary. So, I went on a man hunt for torrents on this program and found some. So I'll soon be in possession of Richards utterly delicious logical arguments. I'm also downloading a set of recorded lectured about life, the universe and various other things, which features my personal hero, Douglas Adams in one of them.


Ja Ne!

photos, television, concert, religion

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