Another post...

Mar 12, 2007 00:40

Posting, posting... posting to waste time.

I spent the weekend reading for both leisure and study, gasp. I feel all smart now and enlightened. Well perhaps not as enlightened as I'd have you think.

The psychology text book is just huge. Individual chapters are an arms length. No, no, I jest, but they are pretty thick, full of tiny font but also pictures and graphs. The thing that makes this enjoyable though is the subject matter. Until now I never realised how difficult it can be to have to read a text I have little to no interest in. My Contemporary Arts reader is filled to the brim with confusing and verbose content. In short, everything in it is complete and utter bupkis! (you have no idea how long I've been wanting to use that word in a sentence, lol!) No wonder I've been having such immense difficulty reading any of it. In comparison the Psychology text book is filled with informative, interesting and engaging material. I have been eating it up and yet the length still gets to me. I have spent a day and a bit on one chapter (with leisure reading for a few hours here and there interspersed) and am still not done with it. At the least the amount I have left are only three double sided pages, and the material within those pages won't be covered in the lecture till next week.

Ugh.... Legato just crashed and burned. But he miraculously pulled through and restarted. Then he crashed again before Windows was fully loaded and now he's working again. Thank fuck for LJ's now auto-save function.

Where was I? I am not sure. All bits of relaxation have disappeared. I'm on edge now, waiting for Legato to crash again. Its funny... in an un-funny way. He did the exact same thing last time. I had him back for a day and a half and then he crashed and wouldn't reboot. It's been exactly the same amount of time this time around too. And I could swear... this isn't heat related. Hardware failure is out of the question now so it must be software. If this happens again I am afraid I'll have to reinstall Windows. And by 'I' I mean my pa, who will whinge and whine and not do it at all.

Something else that isn't going well is the fact that I got an evaluation of how much the repair to my camera will cost. $247 Talked to my dad about it. Its cheaper then getting a new camera. Our old one is awesome anyway, and we have three different lenses for it. And whilst on the topic of cameras I was very dismayed to find out today that all the photos I took with my friends camera yesterday are most probably all non existent. I put the film on right, I watched it sliding in and wound it up, but I bet anyone any money that it didn't work. The camera felt funny as I was out taking photos and I thought something seemed dodgy when I hit 36 pictures and the camera wouldn't stop winding up. When winding the film back into its canister there was a bit of resistance but that lasted for only a turn or two, then it went slack. So... I'm rather annoyed about it. Nothing much I can do right now though. But this is also why I want my own camera back. I know what's normal and abnormal for my camera, and I don't know what is and isn't for this one.

I watched the ending of Close Encounter of the Third Kind. I hadn't seen that movie in years and didn't know what was going to happen. I had a good laugh at most of it but when it came to crunch time, when contact was being made, through all my amusement it did occur to me just how beautiful it all was and how very much I'd love for something like that to happen in my own life time. And then 'When You Wish Upon a Star' was interwoven with the musical score and the cheese flooded back a bit. I had this wave of sadness and nostalgia wash over me. That song fills me with the kind of feelings I feel when Christmas rolls around. I still struggle to define what it is and why I should feel that way about my childhood. So this adds another song to my very short list of songs that makes me incredibly sad for no apparent reason. The only other song on this list is Somewhere Over The Rainbow. That song ... well its downright evil.

I came to the decision that I really shouldn't expend too much energy entertaining the thought of how awesome it would be to be whisked away into the future; how fruitless a thought of wanting to live in the future in general, is. It wouldn't matter. The only way to appreciate the things humans will come up with in the future is to contexturalise, and is to know what it was like to live without. If we lived in times where there was space travel it would be more than realistic to imagine that we'd all still be stuck in the menial routine of earning a living. And who wants that. No... the only way I want to know about the future.... and I mean sci-fi esque future, is if someone abducted me and took me there. And since that will never happen it is time to lay down such empty and wistful thoughts. Life's what you make of it, afterall.

I read in my Psych book that pulling a face enforces the emotion you are imitating. So technically, if you keep frowning your mood will not improve. So maybe we should all try and smile when we are feeling especially grumpy. It might do some good.

I also really want to voice just how much I hate Studio Arts. I don't get it. It's not for me. I really, really loathe it. With every fiber of my body. I loathe Studio Arts. I realise that these strong feelings I have towards it do absolutely nothing for my creativity when it comes to creating something for that subject. I just see Studio Arts as such a waste of my time as it has absolutely nothing to do with what I want to do. I am not an exhibition artist. I will never be someone who spends hours in their studio space making things. I like painting, but not always, and certainly nothing contemporary. I hate it so much. I hate it even more than I hated Maths when I was still obliged to do it. Maths was at least logical. Studio Arts wants me to feed off some artist informed creativity which I don't possess.

My brother informs me that there is word of a new Star Trek movie being planned (directed by JJ Abrams). It supposedly takes a number from Battlestar Galactica by taking the original series and re-envisioning it. Mark kept blabbing about a female Spock. I don't even know if he's kidding. No one by Leonard Nimoy could ever be Spock!! Perhaps this is what BSG puritans felt like when they first heard the news about a re-envisioned Battlestar....

Somewhere over the Rainbow.mp3 ~ Katharine McPhee

And something I am working on for my own pleasure. Click to view large version.

uni, tv, art, mp3

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