
Nov 29, 2006 01:25

I should stop updating at 1am.

A few golden rules, as lain down by the law. The law which is the Ili in an Ilien invaded world. At present... not happening.. but it will, one day. When you least expect it.

  • Pushy people who are overly defensive are not cool
  • Making eye contact with a stranger for more than a second is considered creepy.
  • Christmas crowds should be shot.
  • Cosplaying as a character you know next to nothing about, cosplaying as them just coz they look cool, or you think you'll look cool and impress people with it, is stupid.
  • Reading books backwards, depending what your cultural perspective is, is not something anyone should do. So for heavens sake stop flipping and browsing through magazines like that!
  • Running with scissors is acceptable. It all depends on how you hold them.
  • Comedy specials should be more frequently aired on TV.
  • Everyone should have a game character as their personal deity.
  • People will learn to have high moral standards even if I have to use an electric whip.
  • Good music (game, anime, non angsty) will fill the streets wherever you are trying to get to.
  • Pogo sticks are the new and better transportation system.
  • Everyone will eat cheese. Even if they are allergic.
Torchwood was oddly moving this week. By gum I nearly cried. It was an idea, a feeling. A sense of loneliness. The realisation that the world isn't an alright place, not even most of the time. Bad things happen and no one cares. I know all this, but the way it was told through a specific character moved me. It was... really sad. There was also hot lesbian action. Torchwood is so liberal, lol!

I went to my first ever Movie Premier last night. Was good because the movie Kamikaze Girls was good. It is a quircky Japanese film. About a chance meeting between two girls.

One, Momoko, loves sweet things and to wear frilli Lolita dresses. Her life is about the dresses and acquiring them. She'll deceive her own family and milk them for money to get them. And the other girl is Ichiko (real name Ichigo. She changed it to be cooler) who is a tough chicky. She's part of the Ponytails, which is an all womens bike gang. She spits and shouts and never cries in public. Both these girls have interesting dynamics. Ichiko is tough as nails but she yearns to belong to something. Here is this rebel who seeks to be normal in a way. Momoko, from just first impressions would appear to be a sweet girl but she really isn't. She has always been alone in her life. She is hard, she won't stop at anything to get her own way, she is smart and sees the world in a different light than anyone else. She lives in her dreamworld of the beauty of 18th Century France, willingly ignoring the ugliness of the world. She states her upfront philosophies throughout. The fact that humans are nothing but cowards. They flee in the face of happiness. People are always alone, they lie and decieve. And appearance says everything about a person. I really appreciate Momoko. She is strong willed and honest. She truley doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. This allows her to stand up to Ichiko several times, which is something Ichiko respects her for. Despite Momoko's obvious disapproval Ichiko keeps hanging around with her, causing her all sorts of troubles. This way they both start revieling bits about their lives, even though Momoko doens't wanna hear about anything Ichiko has to say.

But the two do grow on each other and their philosophies start to shift and change. Ultimately Momoko gains a friend and Ichiko becomes stronger and independant.

Yoko Kanno worked on the music for this movie, which I was surprised over. It's such a strange and delightful movie. A bit of a spoiler so just hide your eyes *** but one of my favourite parts of the entire movie was when Ichiko just started crying, letting go of her pains, in the dark or night, and Momoko understood and just turned away to leave her alone. It was beautiful, because here are these two women who have this deep understanding of each others needs. Such an outpour of emotion and such understanding.***

Does liking two songs from a band constitute you liking the band?

Run by Snow Patrol

I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done

And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say

To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do

Light up...

Slower slower
We don't have time for that
All I want is to find an easier way
To get out of our little heads

Have heart my dear
We're bound to be afraid
Even if it's just for a few days
Making up for all this mess

I can't believe it. It's that time of the year again when people really piss me off. And right now the number one thing that's pissing me off is people who have no personality. People who have to try and fit in. People who have to try to show off, get attention.... fit in. GAH! Don't fit in. Wear a bring yellow Santa suit. Dye your beard puce. Stop caring what people think. DOn't care what your friends think. Do what you wnat and be happy doing it. Give reasons for you liking something and shout them to the world. That'll make me happy.

But no. Christmas is such a conformist celebration and people are so agro. -__-

Ja Ne!

photos, television, review, pictures, tv

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