The future has finally shown her radiant face...

Oct 16, 2006 00:45

A few things I learnt about my friends while in Adelaide...

Tracey really is that clutzy. XD
Arklan does glare. :|
Lozza likes half melted chocolate :-&
Azz is a recluse and there's not much anyone can ever do about it.
It is hell fun to have pillow fights, especially when you can slap Ark around that much!

Yesterday it was hotter than Satans arsehole after he consumed some curry! It was really bad.
Yesterday I went to visit a friend ever so briefly, and on my way out (I was wearing thongs at the time) I semi-tripped down the last stair and my foot grazed the concrete pavement. It stung, I lost skin and have this rather large abrasion. Reason I mention this is because... I just took the bandaid off and it's all weepy. Ehehehe... delightfully gross. My little toe hurts. Cry, whinge, sniff.

Something else to be sad about is that in the middle of playing Legend of Dragoon the disc stuffed up again. I replayed that boss battle three times and each time the disc stalled. So until I get a second PS2 to try the game out on I am stuck not playing it.

Instead I'm playing Xenosaga III. My, oh my! It's good. Lets leave it at that.

My cousin left for Alice Springs this morning after having stayed with us for five days. It was fun having her around. She'll come back end of November to stay with us for another couple of days before she heads back to Austria.

I also have an announcement to make.

This is pretty big. Nothing like Ery's announcement of being preggers or anything, but still pretty big for me. For the past few years I have been trying to figure out what I need to do with my life. Not want because if I were to do what I truely wanted I'd not do anything besaides sleep, play games, watch anime and draw. No, I speak of doing something productive. I've been interested in psychology and history for a long while. Even longer than I was aware of. I've always been fascinated with humans and their behaviour. I'm pretty alright at giving people advice. I'm logical and rational for the most part. I am realistic. I contemptated for a while getting into counselling until I realised that listening to other peoples problems would send me insane. I turned to art because it always came easy because I enjoyed it. I do not excel at it by any means but it is something I am willing to do and learn new skills for. I lack motivation and creativity though. I am not cut out to be a contemporary artist. I have no real desire to be a sucessful artist. I draw for me, and that is it. So what can an Ilien do? TIme is running out. Two and a half years are left for me before I finish my degree. ( Some of you may think 'what? O_o I thought it was only a year and a half that remains'... and some of you may not think that coz you have no idea. My degree changed last year from a three year course to a four year one. Funny that... -__-... Anyway, I will not drop out at third year but continue onto fourth year of Uni. Not to do honours because frankly, I won't get into it. But they have a 'professional' fourth year, which I will do.) After I finish my degree I'm doing a further two years of Uni. Crazy, ne? I'm looking into doing a Masters of Art Therapy. Yeah... Art Therapy. It's like therapising people but you give them stuff to draw on and then you analyse it, ahahaha! Ili can do that. Ili will do that.

I have to start sticking to something. I gotta have a goal in life. Everyone else has one so I need one too!

Now my next problem is that Emily suggested this course of action. Why is this a problem? It is a problem because a week ago I finally realised that I hate riding on the shoulders of others. I hate being a follower. I hate being part of the crowd, I hate conforming. I hate depending on other people to get me through stuff. Surprising, isn't it? Since I do it so brilliantly. The influx of engaging in such activities these past few years has made me realise just how much I don't want this kind of thing for my life. I feel like I have no more will left, like I am constantly doing what everyone else is doing. This is also a reason for my aversion to having people suddenly be interested in things I am doing and them wanting to do them too. I want to be good at something no one I know is good at. I want to stand on my own two feet, and yet I like the comfort of a friend to lean on. I am more than happy to share interestes and hobbies. I like doing things with my friends. But I don't want to do everything my friends do and I don't wnat them to do everything I do either.... So Emily and I have decided to persue a Masters in Art Therapy but focus on different fields within that umbrella. We're interested in different things regarding people anyway.

It's an interesting goal.

Ja Ne!

life, game, uni, important moments, adelaide

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