You drove me to it

Aug 02, 2006 00:36

I feel in a beautiful mood. It's definitely the music I am listening to that is doing this for me. Not even over an hour ago (at time of writing this part of the entry) I discovered Caroline. Younger sister of Olivia, which doesn't mean much to anyone here, I guess.

A review says the following...

Murmurs, the debut full-length from L.A.-by-way-of-Okinawa pop enchantress Caroline (last name Lufkin), follows on the heels of her 2005 single "Where's My Love", a beautiful experiment in minimalist pop arrangements and angelic vocals. Murmurs delivers on the promise shown in that single, utilizing an array of acoustic and electric instruments to create dreamy, delicate textures as a backdrop for her lilting voice. The result is a blend of ethereal pop and ambient IDM that creates an elegant soundscape of atmosphere and mood.

The disc opens with quiet, contemplative horns reminiscent of something Gene Wilder would've sung over in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. As Caroline's voice glides in, she reminisces about a childhood love, and though muted keys and a low, thumping beat carry the tune, it's the horns that define the nostalgic mood. "Pink & Black" introduces a more dynamic rhythm, with a glitchy beat, tinkling piano, and layered vocal harmonies.

"Where's My Love" appears here again, retaining all of its gentle beauty. Though it sounds like a lullaby, the vocals are at once sad and hopeful, the inner thoughts of a heart longing to find love. "Everylittlething" follows, and contains some of this disc's darker moments. Driving, distorted synths are almost enough to push the track into dance territory, but the quiet mood and soft refrain keep one foot grounded in the same realm as Caroline's more subtle moments. On "All I Need", she shows off her vocal range, complimenting her own lines with deeper, darker words and phrases.

Carolie's ability to sneak in unexpected splashes of different sounds-- whether a moment of anger in an otherwise serene song, or a moment of hope in an otherwise sad tune-- gives Murmurs its strength. Many of the album's best moments are not immediate but take multiple listens to make themselves known. Therefore, it's not just the subtle beauty in her voice that makes Caroline unique, but also her gift for using quiet ambience as a key element in these intricate, layered arrangements.

-Cory D. Byrom, March 16, 2006

It is just gorgeous. The atmosphere coupled with the music. But it's not a snooze fest either. They all have an overtone of gentleness but you dig deeper to find the varying of tones, the meaning of the lyrics and the serenity changes a bit. I especially like the last three songs.

Murmurs Album 50.MB It's the entire album for your convenience to download.. if you so wish it. But I also uploaded the last track Winter.mp3 6.7MB just so those of you who don't trust the review and my own enouragment can test drive a track to see if it is to your taste. If you like this track than the rest will appeal too.

And this next album I uploaded will surely get a few raised eyebrows. Has Been by William Shatner. Yup.. Bill released an album but stop your laughing and scoffing. It's good. He doesn't sing... it's sort of like him reading poetry to music and there are special guest singers on some of the other tracks so it's not always purely Bills voice you hear. Some tracks are oddly poignant and moving. I kid you not. He is not afraid to take a few jabs at himself, and there is one short track where he delves into very personal territory of when he found his wife, dead, in their swimming pool. There are comic tracks like 'You'll Have Time' and a very fabulous rant 'I Can't get Behind That', and other ones like 'That's Me Trying' and 'Real' that have you thinking a bit. But I give you Has Been.mp3 4.3MB

Has Been Album 75.MB

I really have to write about this. It has been bothering me for nearly a week even after I wrote about it in my tangible journal, which btw helped me figure out what this feeling even was which I was suffering from. It's been bothering me for a long long time now but I finally managed to put a finger on it. And I am reluctant to even talk or write about it because... well it's gonna upset people I'm sure (though I do not wish to pick on anyone. I'm merely making observations) and it's gonna make me sound like some horribly conceited person.

Hohoho... I've piqued your interest now, haven't I.

Hmm... how to broach the subject.

Well I'll give you an example and hopefully my thoughts will flow from that. A friend of mine asked to hang out with me and another friend of mine. By that point in time I had enough of it though and just told them a clear and simple 'no'. Which is definitely not something I make a habit of doing. I have gotten annoyed and really sick of people wanting to belong. People doing things and copying others to fit in and be cool. It is not magically going to fix your life just because you do what everyone else is doing. Do I sound irrational? Perhaps you wonder how I even manage to come to this point? Well this 'wanting to belong' also applies to wanting to aquire other peoples friends. I've had a long hard think about this one... and I still don't quite understand it. People aren't posessions. I am happy that all my friends get along so much but I found that I do get posessive about them. Sometimes I want to keep my Uni friends seperate from my other friends. Sometimes I need to spend time with them alone. What annoys me the most though is when someone askes me if I'm going somewhere, who is coming with me, and if they happen to deem the company I keep on that specific day worthy and important enough only then do they ask to come along. Heaven forbid if you ever want to hang out with me for the sake of actually being purely with me. Just cut out the damned middle man and hang out with my friends instead of me. It's probably not the intention of this person but it sure as hell comes off like they just want to hang out with my 'cool' friends. How about you go out and get your own. Not my fault you are bored out of your mind if you hang with someone you actually happen to know without the connections. Connections.. networking through your friends to get to know other friends is important. I won't deny anyone that. But it can still shit me off if it seems like how I described it above.

I am tired of people not having their own lives. Constantly seeking the approval of others, trying to be like them. That is the cheaters way and a badly made shortcut to becoming your own person with your own mind. It is not the way to improve yourself, it is only stealing someone elses identity. I can't say I approve of it. But there is also of course a flip side. People who you know will influence you greatly. They introduce you to new things and you are entitled to enjoy them if you really do. Again as above it only really starts to shit me if it seems like you try to belong through liking something in particular. I love individuals. Both in the outer appearance and inner soul. If people start copying bits of how you look or force themselves to like something for a shallow reason I get irritated.

I love my group from Uni. They all have their unique tastes and styles. They all love doing their own thing and we are all friends because we do share the same interestes but to varying degrees. I for one appreciate how they all enrich my life, showing me different things but I'm not crazy about absolutely everything that they are. I can respect people who have their own agendas and goals in life. I also appreciate people who are struggling to find their own way through life, as I greatly empathise with them, being in the same boat and all. The main thing is that they try to find their own way and voice.

That's the basic problem. I still feel like I left a lot unsaid but maybe that'll come out later. Or maybe it's best to not open that can of worms. You know how much they squirm.

Onto other things. You women out there.. and even you men, lets notbe sexist. I'm running low on Shampoo and Conditioner. I bought these two bottles last year in December. No one can accuse me of not making things last! But I'm coming to an end and am wondering what you all suggest. My hair if fluffy and I have all these fly-aways. I wouldn't mind shiney or at least smoother hair. But perhaps it is not in my genes and no shampoo will ever fix i. I don't like putting product in my hair, but I might buy some mousse if I ever get around to it. Go on... give me brand names that you recommend. I don't care if they are a bit expensive. I can make it last and it'll be a good use of money. But whatever I choose I have to be able to stand it for nigh on 7 months depending on how big the bottle is. Oh and.. up until now I was using Herbal Essences. Smells nice and gives plenty of body, lol

I must officially have turned girly somewhere along the lines of this conversation.

I was playing Escape from Monkey Island. Sad to see that the Cannibals all packed up and left to go... who knows where. Now the villiage is run over by monkeys. Damn JoJo Jr and his bronze hat which I need but cannot attain because Monkey Kombat is a pain in the arse!

How I love this series, lol. I must make the game sound utterly nuts. But then again... it sort of is.

Ja Ne!

game, philosophy, mp3

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