Listen closely...

Jun 18, 2006 16:32

I just got warm and fuzzies from the star_odyssey community. Someone decided to send six paintings of stars out into the world and those paintings are being sent to people and photos are being taken and uploaded on the LJ. It's an interactive art project. I think it is a beautiful idea. And the person who instigated it is hoping to have all the stars sent back to her by next year. Go check it out. I'd love to get a star. Hehehe.

Meanwhile I've been searching for inspiration images for my project which is due tomorrow. I'm gonna be drawing a Cyborg. Hmmm.

I love Hans Bellmers work so much. I know I mentioned him before.

So beautiful and yet disturbing.

This is just one of the random Cyborg images I found online.

I've been messing around in Audacity with songs. I made a 29second clip from a song I downloaded yesterday. It's called A Little Pain and is the end theme for the anime Nana. Gorgeous little song it is. This clip is my fave bit in the whole song. Might be coz it's all in English. Who knows. Feel free to sample it A Little Pain - 29sec.mp3

I also messed around with one of my favourite songs, 1000 Words. I got the English orchestral version and the Japanese orchestral version and stuck them together. Quite interesting how well they mesh together and how each of the singers makes it her own piece. Anyway... I think it's pretty cool. It's like an instant translation, as you can hear what Koda Kumi is singing but Jade gives the Jap words meaning. It's also really cool how when they hit the chorus they in two spots hit the same note and hold it beautifully. Their voiced meld into one. Hehehe. If anyone is interested in hearing it be my guest. 1000 Words - Jap+Eng.mp3 I'm still planning to mess around with it a bit more. Maybe have the singers fade in and out. But I'll do that after Friday, when I actually have time.

Speaking of nearly having time to do whatever I wnat to do... I think I love Grant. He told me he had a modded PS2 so it can play all regions and even burnt games. Half an hour later I was looking for Xenosaga Episode 1 on eBay, lol. So now I've bought it and only have to wait for it to arrive at my door and then... then I'm going to kidnap Grants PS2 or camp out at his place or something. I am so happy that I won't have to wait 3 years for a PS3. :)

I finally saw half of The Princess Bride. All these years I was under the impression that it sucked... and shit. It didn't. Quite the opposite. I loved what I did see of it. Boy... was I ever wrong, lol!

And I stole a meme from iggy_the_balrog


1. Slept in your bed besides you? Rowena
2. Saw you cry? Emily
3. Went to the movies with you? Kylie, Eva, Emily, Chris, Grant, Samantha.. I think that's about it. We saw X-Men 3
4. You went to the mall with? Emily
5. You went to dinner with? I don't really do 'going out to dinner's
6. You talked on the phone? Rowena
7. Said "I Love You" to you and really meant it? Hmmm... Marc.
8. Broke your heart? I break my own heart.


1. Pierce your nose or tongue? None... but nose if I have to choose between those two.
2. Be serious or be funny? Funny.
3. Drink whole or skimmed milk? Whole.
4. Die in a fire or drown? Fire. I have a real fear of drowning.
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies? I have no anamonies. So Parentals it will be.


1. Simple or complicated? Simple.
2. Gay, bisexual or straight? Straight as a bent stick! lol. Naw, I like the men-folk.


1. Flowers or candy? Flower shaped candy ;)
2. Gray or black? Black
3. Colour, or bw photos? Sepia!
4. Lust or love? Love.
5. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset, because I'm never up for sunrise.
6. M and M's or Skittles? Both.
7. Staying up late or waking up early? This was answered with Q# 5. Late!


1. Do you like anyone? No
2. Do they know it? There is no body, so they wouldn't know, obviously.


1. What time is it? 4:21pm
2. Name? Ilona
3. Nickname(s)? Ili, Ilien, Da IC Maiden... sugerpants -____-
4. Where were you born? Vienna
5. What is your birthdate? 03/May/86
6. What do you want? To get these projects over and done with.
7. Where do you want to live? Somewhere in Europe, perhaps.
8. How many kids do you want? None.
9. What would you want to name a girl? Kyna
10. What would you want to name a boy? Vash
11. You want to get married? Don't care much for it, really.


1. Nervous habits? I pace, actually.
2. Are you double-jointed? No.
3. Can you roll your tongue? No
4. Can you raise an eyebrow? Yes, both.
5. Can you cross your eyes? Yes.
6. Do you make your bed daily? I make it five minutes befre I go back to sleep, lol.
7. Which shoe goes on first? Depends. I think maybe the left goes on a few more times first than the right.
8. Ever thrown one at someone? No.
9. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? You should never be without a $20 note.
10. What jewellry do you wear? Necklace.
11. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl.
12. Have you ever eaten spam? Heaven forbid. No!
13. Favourite icecream? Magnums, Cornetto... chocolate, vanilla and peppermint!
14. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? One. Kornflakes.
15. What's your favourite beverage? Ginger Beer.
16. Do you cook? No. I probably could if I had to though.


1. Had a boyf or girlf? Yes
2. Bought something you didn't need? Yes
3. Sang In front of people? No
4. Been kissed? Yes
5. Been hugged? Yes
6. Felt stupid? Yes
7. Missed someone? Yes
8. Got drunk? No
9. Got high? No
10. Danced crazy? No
11. Gotten your hair cut? Yes
12. Cried? Yes
13. Lied? Yes

meme, uni, mp3

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