
May 31, 2006 19:03

I mean this.... only women will understand. Go ahead and read on, but don't blame me if you feel weird afterwards, lol.

I woke up this morning and the most brilliant thing happened. I finally got my periods back! After so much crap having gone bad in just one night this was just the pick me up I needed. And I think we can all agree that things get pretty bad when you're happy to see your periods return.

I say return because I haven't had them since late January. They are amazingly weak, which is a blessing of sorts. I am just glad to have them back. I am normal again! Maybe all the nice things that have happened since the beginning of May have indeed cancelled out the stress and whatever else which killed them off in the first place. Lets just hope they start getting regular now.

I thought something was up. I've been getting period pain. Last week it woke me up from a most brilliant slumber. Blasted internal organs. Anyway... if I could personify periods (who'd wanna see that though @__@) I'd give mine a tremendous hug. I've also got big pimples. Fucking pimples. Fucking sebum! But yeay for periods!

You honestly can't know how happy I am to have them back, unless they've been absent from your life too for several months.

Enough of that womens business.

I've had a mixed day. Had a piss weak cry at Uni this morning and sought out the comfort of my friends. Rhia made me feel a lot better about my essay and encouraged me to throw in some lines of bullshit to try and point out the conceptual side more of the artists works. I am confident that I answered the essay question. But just not very confident that The Devil Woman will appreciate my efforts. I was assured that she cannot possibly fail me. We shall see over the course of next month or so.

The day did progressively get better. A few hassles with getting the essay printed but Rhia was delightfully hyperactive and started laughing insanely over the idea of a chocolate bar in the shape of a turd.

The thing that made me feel amazingly happy was that after our Con Arts lecture we were free. We didn't have tutorials that afternoon so I didn't have to be around the Devil Woman any more. It was euphoria and I am still bathing in the afterglow of the knowledge that I do not have to see Noelene again for well over a whole month.

Sadly I still have a lot on my plate. Screen Arts, Studio Arts (which will be the major hassle) and Image and Space. Major works for all these classes are due week after next. I'll cope though.

And in happier news Chris introduced me to Robot Chicken. It's a show on Adult Swim in the states. Done with stop animation and they spoof a lot of things as well as add their own gross things to the show. If you're interested go here: ROBOT CHICKEN

And here's a song for you all to download.

Hide and Seek.mp3 3.9mb by Imogen Heap.

A gorgeous and breathy song. Very synthesised. Has a very unique sound. I think I like it so much because nothing but the vocals create the melody and there is a variety on rhythem.

Where are we?
what the hell is going on?
the dust has only
just began to form
Crop circles in the carpet
Sinking feeling

Spin me round again
and rub my eyes
this can't be happening
when busy streets amassed with people
would stop to hold their heads heavy

Hide and seek
Trains and sewing machines
All those years
They were here first

oily marks appear on walls
where pleasure moments hung before
the takeover
the sweeping insensitivity
of this
still life

Hide and seek
trains and sewing machines (so you won't catch me around here)
Blood and tears
They were here first

mm what d'cha say?
mm that you only meant well
well of course you did
mm what d'cha say?
mm that it's all for the best
of course it is
mm what d'cha say?
hmmm that it's just what we need
and you decided this?
ooh what d'cha say?
mmmm what did she say?

Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
Mid sweet talk newspaper word cut outs (paper word cut outs)
Speak no feeling no I don't believe you (I don't believe you)
you don't care a bit
don't care a bit

(Hide and Seek)
Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
Mid sweet talk newspaper word cut outs

(Hide and Seek)
Speak no feeling no I don't believe you
you don't care a bit
you don't care a bit

(Hide and Seek)
Oh no, You don't care a bit
Oh no, You don't care a bit

(Hide and Seek)
Oh no, You don't care a bit
You don't care a bit
You don't care a bit

uni, girly-stuff

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