Just screwed up.

May 24, 2006 20:07

Pointless update really.

Tomorrow is International Towel Day, so grab your towels and carry them around proudly!

I think I've got some sort of Trypanosomiasis. Feeling so drained and sleepy. Or maybe that is just my body telling me winter is approaching and I should become a bear in order to hybernate. I do like that second theory best, honestly.

I had to endure The Devil Woman today. She mentioned in todays lecture that we should get into submitting art to galleries. Yet in the form which is pure Noelene she was implying that only very few of us would ever achieve being a 'proper artist'. Pah. I really don't want to make art any more. I don't want to make the kind of art that such institutional facilities claim to be 'art'. It is as if all the art which I find beautiful isn't even worthy of being called art. It is base and kitsch. I don't want to live in your world, Noelene. You can go stick a dead rabbit up your arse!

Get this. Our essay is due next week and we are supposed to write about the conceptual and theoretical points of our own art and put it into historical context. The great part is that we are not allowed to focus on our own art. We have to write about everyone elses art and how that may or may not have influenced us. I could just complain about Contemporary Arts class for ever. I did get my essay back and this time it had a mark on it. 10/20. What a joke. TEN OUT OF TWENTY! At least it was a pass. Groan.

Can you tell? I have a burning urge to call forth all bad things that exist in the entire cosmos and just whip The Devil Woman with them. Mesa no likey.

University life just keeps dragging on. My only solace is that after next week I won't have to go to another Contemporary Arts class for nearly two months. Hopefully we'll get a different lecturer next semester, but that is hoping a bit too much.

I am looking forward to this break. I need a break from my friends and Uni. I need time to read all the books that Alex lent me. I need time to get back to my digital drawings. I need peace and quite, lazy days and lots of music. I also need a job and to get my Green P's.

Did we all hear about the 3000 or so people that got busted by authorities for downloading illegal music via eDonkey? Oh it's nasty. I'm extremely peeved at the music industry and also so very amused in a 'this is really sad and pathetic' kind of way. Stop kicking your consumers in the arse. Fix the downloading problem if you are so upset about it. Even though it can never be fixed. Technology is just getting way out of hand. It's bordering on terrifying.

Speaking of consumerism... I am so shitted at the world. I am pissed off at corporations, TV, advertisments and humanity for being such stupid fucks. It's almost enough to make me nearly want to get into Pop Art. Down with consumerism! Down with feeding fear to people! Down with *witty item here*

Guh. I'm feeling so upset. I want to crawl into bed and never have to look at the world again. It will pass. It always passes, but right now I really want to take a time out from reality. I want to sing along to angsty songs in a really stupid and highly amusing fashion with friends while driving around in a car in the middle of the night and know that I don't have any assessments due in the morning. That or I want a hug.

In other news I have become addicted to a few songs from Rent. Over the Moon has to be my favourite because it is so delightfully silly and the ending cracks me up. Also Without You has some really lovely melody and lyrics.

Over the Moon
Last night I had a dream
I found myself in a desert called Cyberland. It was hot.
My canteen had spurng a leak and I was thirsty.
Out of the abyss walked a cow - Elsi. I asked if she had anything to drink.
She said, "I'm forbidden to produce milk. In
Cyberland, we only drink ... Diet Coke (Diet Coke, Diet Coke, Diet Coke, Diet Coke).
She said, "Only thing to do is jump over the moon."
They've closed everything real down ...
like barns and troughs and performance spaces ...
and replaced it all with lies and
rules and virtual life (Life, life, life).
But there is a way out..."

Leap of faith, leap of faith
Leap of faith, leap of faith
"Only thing to do is jump over the moon"
Leap of faith, leap of faith
Leap of faith, leap of faith

I gotta get outta here
It's like I'm being tied to the hood of a yellow rental truck,
being packed in with fertilizer and fuel oil, pushed over a
cliff by a suicidal Mickey Mouse.

I've gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta Gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta ...
Gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta
Find a way to jump over the moon
Only thing to do is jump over the moon
Leap of faith, leap of faith
Leap of faith, leap of faith

Then a little bulldog entered.
His name (we have learned) was Benny.
And although he once had
Principles, he abandoned them to live as a lap dog
To a wealthy daughter of the revolution.
1,2,3, "That's bull," he said.
"Ever since the cat took up the fiddle that cow's been jumpy
The dish and the spoon were evicted from the table and eloped
She's had trouble with her milk and that moon ever since.
Maybe it's a female thing, 'cause who'd wanna leave
Cyberland anyway? Walls ain't so bad.
The dish and the spoon for instance, they're down on their luck,
they come knockin' on
my doghouse door.
And I say 'Not in my backyard, utensils!
Go back to China'!" Be De Bah!
"The only way out is up" Elsie whispered to me
"A leap of faith. Still thirsty?"
PARCHED (parched, parched, parched, parched)
"Have some milk"
And I lowered myself beneath her swollen udder
and I sucked the sweetest milk I had ever tasted
"Climb on board" she said.
And as a harvest moon rose over Cyberland
We reared back
We sprang into a gallop
Leaping out of orbit!

I awoke singing

Leap of faith, leap of faith
Leap of faith, leap of faith
Only thing to do
Only thing to do is jump
Only thing to do is jump over the moon
Only thing to do is jump over the moon
Over the moon
Over the ... Moooooooo
Moo with me
Please sir could you give me a little Moo?
Moo yes!
Moo YES!
Moo with me!
Yes Moo with me!
Yes it sounds beautiful!
Let me hear you New York City!

Thank you!

Without You
Without you, the ground thaws, the rain falls, the grass grows.
Without you, the seeds root, the flowers bloom,
The children play. The stars gleam, the poets dream, the eagles fly, without you.
The earth turns, the sun burns, but I die, without you.
Without you, the breeze warms, the girl smiles, the cloud moves.
Without you, the tides change, the boys run, the oceans crash.
The crowds roar, the days soar, the babies cry, without you.
The moon glows, the river flows, but I die, without you.

The world revives,

Colors renew,

But I know blue, only blue, lonely blue, within me blue

Without you. Without you the hand gropes, the ear hears, the pulse beats.

Without you, the eyes gaze, the legs walks, the lungs breath.
The mind churns!

The mind churns!

The heart yearns!

The heart yearns!

The tears dry, without you.
Life goes on, but I'm gone.
'Cause I die, without you.

Without you.

Without you.

Without you

So download the songs. Go on. You know you want to.

Over the Moon.mp3 7.2MB

Without You.mp3 5.9MB

I'm in need of the song Touched by Vast, but I cannot find it anywhere to download. If someone has it could they share, pretty please?

I'll upload the photos from that MEME a few days ago soonish. No worries. And if anyone sees Ark let him know I wanna kick his arse for not being online for the past... 5 or so days.

Over and Out!


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