...so, it's December.
Holy shit it's December! And me with maybe 40 posts since last year! I guess I failed two New Year's Resolutions this year!
Well, I guess I'll make it up to you with a few little updates:
First, to me. I am back to semi-regularly playing Magic again. Currently, it's simply the draft weeks at Mind Games in Toledo. But my curse has preceded me: That place had its front window broken twice in a week a few weeks back. I have yet to play Tyler Mantey, but I did play GP Atlanta Top 8'er (and the player with the best Composite rating in Ohio) Chris Pait. Predictably, I got curbstomped. Although, since I started this new stretch to Toledo, my own rating has gone up 24 points (with last week's still to be processed). I'm currently mulling two things: 1. Whether to play in the PTQ in Detroit this weekend (the last one to Kyoto). and 2. Whether to try Magic Online. Though I do have a PayPal account, I've only used it once, and I come from a family that's absolutely paranoid at online sales...and I just got my exhaust replaced, so that eats into the budget a little bit...
Now, to sports. Browns...okay, let's not talk about them. Ohio State...yeah, Michigan: everyone but Michigan Alumni (and even plenty of them) saw that one coming a mile away. Now to the Capital One Bowl ('cuz they ain't being invited to a BCS game...) The b-ball team isn't doing bad in the early going...they got a win at Miami (Not Ohio but Florida)...but next they get to go to South Bend, and that ain't gonna be easy, folks...To the NHL: Sure, Sean Avery's a dick, but your suspension of him for words has the smell of dick as well. He may be the worst jerk jock in all the world...but you're not there to legislate words, even if it was to reporters after a skate. Maybe you're doing it for his protection, maybe not...but moves like that are the reason why you're badly fading from American prominence...
Third, it has been a little while since I talked about Senta Moses (yeah, had to get the full name in for the search engines)...the last time was for the short link to the all-lady PodBlast. Unfortunately, she wasn't at
the final Blast, but you should watch it anyway (Yes, I said WATCH...that would be on the bottom), especially for the video they did lampooning D's crush on Senko's Mom. I hear Fountains of Wayne getting ready to serve up a lawsuit...
...Okay, back to Senta. When her IMDB StarTracker shot up 63% this week, I knew she'd booked something...that something turns out to be a week-long arc on General Hospital. It might be airing now...soap opera turnaround is pretty quick compared to weekly shows. She plays, as
she puts it, a "quirky computer tech." I haven't seen her play that sort of role since...well, Bull and Vengeance Unlimited! :D
Also in the works...another venture into family TV movie-land. It's tentatively titled "Wishing Well" (and as we learned from Black Friday The Kidnapping, it is subject to change). Not too much is known about it, but Senta's part is as an assistant to a magazine editor. I haven't seen her play that sort of role since...well, The Kiss! :D
Anyway, hey! More words than I've posted the past two months combined! I'll take that! And I'll see y'all later!