CNN By Vladislav Yusupov
Alina Jegur has made a mistake in choosing a friend only once. This mistake has cost her 9 months in prison already.
She is treating Dmitry, in her own words, as “a brother”. She helps him with money and, of course, he does not pay her back. She is earning not bad, she is a popular DJ in the Volga region. She does not reject, neither his sexual passes at her, nor any offers of working together. Dmitry is a drug addict. He has been a few times in rehab in Hospital No.2 in Novo-Aleksandrovka in Ufa district. It turns out, he is a pretty cruel and vindictive person. However, in this instanceit should be also noted, that he is likely to get up to 20 years for drug dealing, as he is in prison at the moment.
I sometimes wonder, how many women get to a turning point in life by being softer where they should not?
While still at large, Dmitry has worked out a revenge plan, which turns a nightmare for Alina. She is about to get on the way home from Samara, from a tour. Dmitry has offered her services of his friend as a driver. This driver happened to be a drug user and an experienced drug dealer.
On the Highway M5, not too far from the town Oktiabrsky, in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the car is pulled over. An envelope with amphetamine is found on the driver.
There are no connections between Alina and the driver. She sees this person for the second time in her life. Drug agents, certain of their rights (or perhaps of being above the law), are asking her to service them sexually, if she does not want to get arrested as a conspirator on the case. Their last names are Hanzhin, Filipov and Garber. Garber’s name became known later than others and we will get back to that. Of course, Alina the dancer has refused to service them. And then she is asked the following question: “Where do you want us to plant the drugs?” She wants to exit the car. Three agents take on her. They try to force a pouch with drugs into her underwear. The marks on her body confirm the violence. She breaks one of their fingers with her knee. They overwhelm her and put drugs in her sock. Later, Filipov even tries to file a complaint, regarding the finger, and then he changes his mind. Maybe there is some conscience there after all? Anyway, Hanzhin is holding her right leg and Filipov plants the pouch. They call the witnesses and remove the pouch. Later the witnesses somehow do not recall seeing the removal of the pouch. A month later, it is uttered in a private conversation, that Alina is being charged unlawfully. A recording of this conversation is available. The conversation is referencing Dmitry, Alina’s “friend”, who claims, that she participates in drug dealing.
Senior investigator Rozhdestvensky, seems to comrehend, what exactly happened. He tries to rectify the situation. In court he testifies, that Alina has nothing to do with doing and dealing drugs. Experts confirm absence of her fingerprints or DNA on the pouch. Additional independent expertise confirms the girl’s innocence. There were prints on the pouch though… Of the agents, who arrested her. Obviously, they now claim that the prints appeared during the retrieval. As they write in novels, nine months have passed since then. Life is though not a novel. What is happening now, Judge Sharifulin wants to be objective and to get to the bottom of the situation. He would like to give a fair sentence. But Russian system of justice historically has been slow and clumsy. Also, traditionally too trusting complaints without evidence.
Alina is almost broken. She is chain smoking and had to see the prison doctor about few health problems. At 21, she just got her first gray strand. The girl looks like a haunted wolf cub.
The sad situation with Alina Jegur shows, that in Russia no woman is safe from passes of bastards. Human rights advocates are following the development of this case. It is currently in its final stage. Public prosecutor and the judge are following media attention to this case.
We would like to ask for reposts and comments on this story.
P.S. The author of this piece has been invited to the Bashkortostan local brunch of the Investigative Committee on August 5th, 2013 for a harsh talk with Denis Garber. Garber was agitated and at some point he admitted that he was directing the course of actions of Filipov and other agents in this story. The whole operation was undertaken under his management and with his full knowledge. This is interesting, as Garber is not mentioned in any documents in the case. In other words, the police reports in the case are not reflecting what happened and they were not compiled according to law. Based on this fact and on the audio of the conversation, an appeal is filed with the higher authorities.
P.P.S. It so happens, that on May 19th, 2013, Garber and Filipov allegedly have killed an innocent man by hitting his head on the ground during the attempt to plant drugs on him. The reports claim that that man died from a heart attack after taser gun has been used on him. Presence of earth particles in the remains of the face, as well as almost total absence of the face is not explained in the report by Garber and Filipov. Filipov is fired from the Investigative Committee. Garber is still working there in the same capacity as before, he was just slapped on the wrist with an administrative punishment.