DV - The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Aug 03, 2009 01:45

Written for the mission_insane fic challenge.

Title: The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Author: ilerya82
'Verse: Stargate: SG-1
Claim/Pairing: Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran
Rating: T - it’s for the situation and implication of it! :)
Warnings: DV Established - This is rather marshmallow-y. It just kind of popped into my head while I was stumbling through a little bit of a block on my next angsty offering and begged to be written. This is what the lyrics of a song will do to you kids!
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 does NOT belong to me - I own nothing but 10 seasons on DVD and a couple of really awesome direct-to-DVD movies ;) I promise to put Dr. Jackson and Ms. Mal Doran back in their wrappings nice and neat when I’m done.
Summary: Vala’s Inner Monologue - Arriving in the middle of a key moment in their lives, one that will shape their destiny.
Table/Prompt: POV Technical Table - Inner Monologue using Colour - Pink

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Sixty seconds left…

Come on, Vala! You can do this, you love surprises… and this would be a big one. Why does time pass so slowly when you’re waiting for something? Absolutely infuriating!

Forty-five seconds…

Is it just me or is time moving slower? Maybe if I just sit down here, gather my thoughts for a moment…

There’s so much that I don’t know - I haven’t exactly been a great success at staying in one place and leading a relatively normal life… Until now, at least. Thank you, Daniel for that. I also haven’t been much of a success at - No, that’s not fair. I can’t blame myself for what happened last time. It was beyond my control. This time is different, normal.

And Daniel. Good heavens, I never considered my poor Daniel! After all that I’ve put him through, could he really bear more? What if this isn’t what he wants? What would I do then?

Go - what option would I possibly have? I couldn’t stay here anymore.

Twenty seconds…

Not much longer and I guess we’ll find out just how much he’ll have to bear.


A sudden knock on the door interrupted the spinning wheels in her mind. There was so much to consider, so much riding on this that she barely had time to process. Vala used the counter top to pull herself to a standing position as the knocking at the door became more urgent.

“Vala? Sweetie?”

Daniel’s voice seemed foggy and distant in the air around her. Her hands held tight to the counter as she tried to steady herself from the lightheaded anxiety that swept over her in waves. Staring into the mirror, she strengthened her resolve. The egg timer she’d pilfered from the kitchen rang out. Time was up. Closing her eyes, she reached forward and picked up the small piece of plastic.

“It’s open, darling.”

The door to the bathroom slowly swung open as she turned to face Daniel without looking down at the indicator in her hand. It was either the problem or the solution or both. It was either the end or the beginning or both. She held the future in her hands, and for that one moment as Daniel sought her teary eyes with his, she was afraid.


Her bottom lip quivered as he took a step forward and took it from her hands, studying what he saw there. It felt like an eternity, though only a few seconds could have ticked by before he looked up at her again. Tears shone in his eyes and a smile spread over his face from ear to ear before he crushed her with his embrace.

She didn’t need to read the home pregnancy test to know that pink would be her new favourite colour.

prompt:pink, daniel jackson, !pov table, colours, dv, tv: stargate sg1, vala mal doran, mission:insane, inner monologue

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