DV - A Promise is a Promise

Jul 22, 2009 00:56

Title: A Promise is a Promise
Author: ilerya82
'Verse: Stargate: SG-1
Claim/Pairing: Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran
Rating: T for some mild language.
Warnings: DV Established - A little piece of Hurt/Comfort/Angst/Fluff, which seems to be what I like to write the most.
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 does NOT belong to me... I can’t stress this enough! I’m just a little fangirl... No money has changed hands to bring you this little, ahem, ficlet. Although, there may have been a little cookie bribery to get me to write this in the first place ;)
Summary: Daniel’s POV at how breaking a promise to Vala, no matter how small can have dangerous consequences for his heart and his work.
Table/Prompt: POV Technical Table - 2nd Person Narrative using Un-themed # 6 - Promise

A Promise is a Promise

“Oh, well… I shan’t bother you any longer, my darling,” her voice was breaking and she can’t seem to meet your eyes. This isn’t the first time you’ve been in this situation, and heaven knows it won’t be the last, but every time you can’t help but feel like a royal ass for the way you make her feel. She deserves better than this.

“Vala, I’m sorry, hon. They really need these translations - I have to get them done,” you’re pleading with her, needing the words to make everything ok. That look in her eyes, what is it? You notice those baby blues are brimming with tears that you know she’s too tough to shed, even in front of you.

For weeks before the dig you were consumed in studying what you may (or may not) find on the planet’s surface, leaving very little time for her. Then it was time for the dig itself, which you naturally felt no one else was capable of running but you, taking you thousands of miles away from the warmth of her embrace. Vala could be incredibly understanding at times, she really did ask for so little…

“Really, Daniel, it’s fine,” she sighs, but you know it’s not fine. She can’t even look you in the eyes, her voice shaking with every word spoken. “We can do it… some other time.”

You reach out to touch her, hold her, take her in your arms and kiss away the tears, but she pulls back and turns from you. Her body is shaky and she fumbles a step or two. Guilt knots in your belly as you begin to understand what you saw in her eyes; disappointment.

You watch her move a few more steps, until she’s out of your office door, leaving you feeling helpless for breaking your promise to her. It was a harmless outing, and considering all the time that you missed with her lately… Why’d you let her leave, Jackson? The hand rubbing at your temples tries to relieve the pounding by kneading the flesh in vain.

You turn toward your desk, determined to head back to those translations and work, but something stops you. You shouldn’t have let her walk out the door without comforting her, and you know it, but it’s the sound of a muffled sob that makes you turn back towards the door again and compels your feet to move. There’s an urgency to each step as you place one foot in front of the other, grasping the door frame as you swing around the corner into the corridor and come to a dead halt.

She’s there, not more than a foot from the doorway crumpled to the floor against the wall. Hugging her knees to her chest, she’s rocking slightly as her body shakes with the emotion she’s failing to restrain. In an instant you’re beside her, falling to your knees and scooping her into your arms. The knot twists again in your belly as she snakes her arms about you and buries her face in the crook of your neck. You press your lips to the top of her head; your fingers splayed across her lower back pressing the delicate curves of her body in to your own.

“Shhh, baby, don’t cry,” you whisper as you turn your face into her raven tresses, drinking in the scent of her. A promise is a promise, Jackson, and this one’s important. “Shhh, shhh, baby, I’m here.” Your hands stroke her hair tenderly and you begin to rock her, almost like a newborn babe.

She sniffles into your chest, the waves of emotion melting away in your arms as you gently rock there together. Passers by be damned! Some things are more important than what others think. You press a kiss to her forehead before speaking again, trying to keep the heartache at seeing her hurting from your voice. Her tears could rip you to shreds, break you down and incapacitate you more thoroughly than a stunning blast from a Zat gun.

“A promise is a promise, Vala, you’re right.” Her chin tilts upward and she gazes at you through dark lashes, a mixture of stunned surprise and hope brewing, as though she almost doesn’t believe you. A look that doesn’t totally believe what she’s hearing. You can’t resist the plump, pink pout of her lips and steal a kiss from them that leaves you both breathless.

“Darling, does this mean…”

“The translations can wait. I made a promise to my wife, and that’s much more important right now.” The translations could wait. After a few cups of coffee, you could settle in to them once sleep claimed her, but until then you knew that your only objective was her happiness, even if it meant trekking through store after store in search of the perfect valance for the bathroom window. A promise is a promise, after all.

“My Daniel…”

daniel jackson, 2nd person narrative, unthemed#6, !pov table, prompt:promise, dv, tv: stargate sg1, vala mal doran, fanfic, mission:insane

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