And you know you're an uber geek/dork when....

Jul 03, 2009 21:17

I woke up this morning completely in awe of what a complete and total dork I am just due to the messed up dreams that I've been having lately! I've been on a bit of a childhood rampage lately, feeling a little lost and nostalgic for the way my life used to be before RL sunk its venomous fangs into the beautiful, pristine bubble that was my youth. No matter your age, there comes a point where you long for the simplicity of youth. I, myself, just refuse to grow up! I've done responsibility and I've gotta say, I don't like it!

So, I've been watching (on my birthday gift DVD player - Thanks Mom :)!!!) all my old (and new!) favourite movies/tv shows. Labyrinth seems to always make it into the player before bed - you gotta love the 80's David Bowie! ;) He makes for such sweet dreams... or ones that are totally messed, in my case!

What do you get when you're standing in the middle of the labyrinth cowering before the uber sexy (and possible crotch-stuffing, but that's neither here nor there) embodiment of the Goblin King Jareth, 1980's styles David Bowie? Picture it - he's in full make up, wig, cape and costume with incredibly sexy tight fitting pants (hence, the earlier commentary). What do you do? What do you say?

"Jareth! David! I love you!" my inner fan girl screams out in pure, unadulterated glee... but no.... That's not what I said. In fact in my dream, I never had a chance to say anything.

"We're not worthy!" and "We love you!" are being chanted from somewhere behind me stage left with a strange intonation that I swear I recognize. Eyes narrowed in confusion, I turn in the direction of the sound. Slack jawed and flabbergasted by the picture I was seeing before my eyes, and an overwhelming sense of jealousy at the attention that was NOT being paid to me by said Goblin King, that I think it drove me to wake up in disgust. There behind me, bowing rather Wayne's World-esque before the object of my drooly affections were Brett and Germaine from Flight of the Conchords!!!

I now know that I: A) watch too much funky stuff before bed; B) have a slightly disturbing fantasy about "Jareth the Goblin King" and/or 1980's styles David Bowie and/or a little bit of both; and finally, C) have got to stop eating cheese before I go to sleep... Causes bad dreams, you know! ;)

This Public Service Announcement *snickers* was brought to you by my crazy corked brain ;) Enjoy!

tv: flight of the conchords, dreams, movie: labyrinth, david bowie

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