DV - Recreational Electricity

Jun 01, 2009 01:04

Written for the mission_insane fic challenge.

Title: Recreational Electricity
Author: ilerya82
'Verse: Stargate: SG-1
Claim/Pairing: Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran
Rating: M (or NC-17 depending on where you live)
Warnings: DV Established - This gets a little explicit - not too graphic, but again, not for youngsters.
Disclaimer:Stargate SG-1 does NOT belong to me... I can’t stress this enough! I’m just a little fangirl... No money has changed hands to bring you this little, ahem, ficlet. Although, there may have been a little cookie bribery to get me to write this in the first place ;)
Summary: Vala finds a new use for the recreation room’s jump rope.
Table/Prompt: Plot? What Plot? / On The Desk

Recreational Electricity

It was an ordinary jump rope - no magic behind its design, nothing special about its appearance - just an ordinary, run of the mill jump rope. Handles made of flexible yellow plastic were attached to either end. Five feet of cording covered in a crimson rough spun fabric lay between each handle. This rope had been used for everything from a simple work out to a child’s game of Double Dutch, but after the way Vala had put it to use, Daniel felt sure that he could never look at it the same way again.

Five feet of jump rope, at least if you measured from the tips of each pliable canary handle, had become an implement of pleasure and pain beneath her capable fingertips. It had become a lasso when she’d corralled him back into his office, restraining his arms as he floundered and fought for freedom. Half-heartedly, if he were honest, because it had been some time since he’d finally admitted his feelings to Vala - much to her delight and his own. She’d reeled him in; head cocked to one side and a seductive curve to her gloss covered lips.

“Vala,” he’d protested with a weak sigh. There was none of the usual annoyance in its tone, only a slight tinge on longing. He didn’t really want her to stop, but with the closed-circuit audience, Daniel didn’t think starting something right here in his office was prudent.

“Darling,” her voice husky, dripping with desire as she tightened her grip on the lasso and pulled him in against her. She curled her free arm around his neck and eliminated all but mere inches between them. Her scent overwhelming his senses, something akin to lust, desire, vanilla, chocolate and strawberries all rolled in to one. It was a heady aroma that sent him spiraling into an incredible state of arousal. Whether he cared to consciously admit it or not, Vala Mal Doran did something to him that no other woman had ever done.

“We can’t,” exhaling his words in a breathy shudder as she nipped at his earlobes sending shivers down his spine. He was of two minds on the subject. He didn’t mean they couldn’t at all - only that they couldn’t here. In his office where they were monitored by closed-circuit cameras and at any moment there was the potential for one of their teammates to walk in. Ignoring his objections as only she could, Vala began to trail kisses down his jaw line until she brought her lips to his. Only a fraction of an inch separated them now and the sensation of her breath, warm and beseeching, against his flesh as grey eyes met his blue was testing the limits of his resolve.

“And why,” she brushed those lips across his chastely, sending shivers down his spine, “… ever…” She began trailing a line from his lips to cheek to jaw and came to nibble at his earlobe. “… not?”

Deep breath, Jackson, he thought as he tried to retain a grasp on his fleeting self control. Oh, but she knew how to use sex as a weapon! She knew just where to touch, how to tease, just what to do and say to make a man’s mind turn to mush. Her tongue tracing his ear, supple lips pursed and pressed against the sensitive flesh behind causing his head to loll to the side. The hand that was coiled about his neck slid softly upward to ruffle the hair at the scruff of his neck. Sparks radiated from her touch as he relaxed into her trap. He was done for, and he didn’t care. He was hers, all rational thought gave way to the primal urges of his libido that he had left silenced for too many years. Temptation, thy name is woman!

“Door… others…” he murmured between kisses.

Vala read his meaning as she pulled him back into the room, twisting their bodies so that Daniel was now just beside the doorjamb and her back was too the open door. Her foot raised and fumbled to kick the offending door closed without breaking the embrace. As the door swung shut, Vala didn’t miss a beat and gripped Daniel’s shirt as she moved forward, his muscular frame landing against the wall with a soft thud.

Deftly releasing the rope-lasso and coiling it in her hands, her mouth sweet and hot, claiming its prize. Her tongue rolled across his, as it had so many times before, tasting and teasing on its exploratory mission. One arm had worked its way back into his hair, as the other was frantically trying to relieve him of his belt.

“Easy, love,” Daniel growled as he slipped his hands under her ass and lifted her up into his arms. Vala wound her legs about his waist and clutched his neck as he carried her to his desk. So many times she had stood beside him as he worked, her very presence begging for his attentions. Begging for him to clear the papers from his desk and throw her down atop it with every sigh.

With one sweeping motion, Daniel cleared the desktop with his right arm as he continued to balance the vixen in his arms with his left. Placing her safely onto the surface, Daniel focused his attentions on her neck, nibbling and nuzzling a trail down to her colar bone. He felt her shudder beneath his touch as a throaty moan escaped her lips.

“Daniel... my Daniel...”

Breaths came shallow as he kissed, licked and teased the outline of the bones beneath her tender flesh. “Beautiful,” he murmured between kisses as his fingers slid beneath the hem of the soft cotton v-neck. They slid gingerly up her spine to their destination, the clasp of a very lacy feeling undergarment.

Vala took his face in her hands and tilted his head up to her own.

“Darling, that is meant to be admired before it is removed!”


Verbal replies were impossible at this moment. Blood flow had been rerouted from his brain to other extremities where it would be of more use. There was no thinking in this moment, only compliance, domination and submission.

Daniel watched as Vala expertly crossed her arms and tugged the t-shirt over her head to reveal a very lacy, very delicate fluorescent pink brazier. He sucked in a breath as his eyes took in the barely there garment. His hands found their target and he leaned into her, pressing his lips against hers.

“Very... very... beautiful...”

He nipped at the tender flesh as his fingers gently removed first her right breast, then her left from the constraining fabric. Vala shivered as his tongue flicked across her nipples, becoming stiff and erect under his ministrations. His hands caressing the exposed flesh tenderly as he worked with his mouth. Her creamy skin was warm and velvety under his rough and calloused digits.

“Daniel... Please...” Vala pleaded as Daniel grasped her ass and pulled her towards him. Her breath caught in her chest at the sensation of his stiff member pressed against her. Her hands sought to free him of his shirt, button by button as his mouth came down upon her in urgent need. She raked her nails down his back, her lips pressed against his neck. “Please.”

Their hands worked in tandem, urgently trying to remove every last piece of clothing. Flesh to flesh, lips pressed to one another, tongues probing and tasting, Daniel her to the edge of the desk her legs spreading wider to welcome him inside. He moaned as he slid inside her warmth.

Their hips began a rhythmic tug of war, sending shivers down Vala’s spine with each thrust. Their breath came shallow and rapid as their movements brought their excitement to a fever pitch. Vala’s right arm was coiled around his neck, her left around his waist. Her nails scratching up and down his lower back, synchronized with the rhythm of his thrusts. Perspiration beaded on Daniel’s skin, muscles taught as he worked.

“Daniel... I - I -”

“Shhh, baby,” he responded as she threw her head back and moaned in sheer ecstasy as her body was over come with the force of her orgasm.

Another thrust and Daniel was overcome with his own climax. Their bodies shuddered as muscles spasm and contracted in rapture. Vala buried her head into his shoulder, panting from their exertions. Daniel held her firmly cradled against his body, resting his cheek against the back of her head.

“Darling, that was...” she purred contentedly as she brought her head up, her lips inches from his. Daniel couldn’t resist, he kissed her deeply, passionately. Her eyes were still closed when the kiss ended. He knew she had felt the spark between them just as strongly as he had.

He rested his forehead against hers, his fingers tangling into her raven tresses, and whispered, “Simply electric.”

plot? what plot?, daniel jackson, dv, prompt:on the desk, vala mal doran, tv: stargate sg1, fanfic, mission:insane

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