Jul 15, 2012 20:02
I think I mentioned that I was reading A Dance With Dragons. And I was unimpressed by it so far. Well, since then I've read on... and a few chapters on, came across Jaime Lannister. He spent most of his chapter just being generally awesome, and at the end of it, took off with... Brienne. Who was last seen (years and years ago) getting hanged by Catelyn Stark. And I'm like... no. Just no. If this is going where I think it must be going... I shall not be impressed.
Sometime last winter - before I landed in LJ; I wrote a long rant about in on tumblr - I read a series called The Codex Alera, by Jim Butcher. I loved it, it was great, entertaining, with a lot of characters that I grew ridiculously attached to, and once I realised that Butcher was the kind of author that doesn't randomly kill off half his main cast, I found the series a rather relaxing read. Until... Well. I fell in love with the wrong character. Aquitainus Attis. He started out as a bad guy, then, gradually, over the course of the entire series, turned into a very strong, interesting grey character. No grand redemption in the vein of Darth Vader, he did not "turn good", simply... his motives were revealed to the reader, and they made sense. He had his own kind of honour, and he was utterly doomed even before he was fatally wounded and rotted away, and like a complete idiot I fell for him harder than Sherlock off the roof of St Bart's. (Yes, this is me, obsessing over fictional characters. Deal with it or gtfo.) So, High Lord Aquitaine dies, and ruins the whole series for me, regardless of all the other great characters that I loved and who bloody lived happily ever after.
Anyway, I was going on about ASoIaF and Jaime Lannister; what does Aquitainus Attis have to do with this all? Because I've got the sinking feeling that Jaime is headed for a similar fate. He's already gone through the "bad guy turned into an interesting grey character", and now he's gone off with a character who was last seen at the mercy of Cat Stark, who I imagine must hate him. I smell a trap.
Prove me wrong by the end of the book, please. Let him live.
Anyway, err. I guess I should go finish the book instead of complaining here. ~200 pages to go, and then back to waiting for the next book...
george martin,
the codex alera,
a song of ice and fire