Can I just say how much I love these guys.

Feb 17, 2012 00:54

And I'm not talking about Ghost Voyage this time.

I've always had huge respect for bands/artists that are active in their fan communities, be it Facebook, twitter, forum. It gives us the impression that these guys (or gals) appreciate the fact that we appreciate them. That our love for their (in this case) music isn't meaningless to them. And it's even more touching when we're talking about a band that has a 20-year career behind already (and hopefully many many more years to come of course), and they're huge in the metal scene, godfathers of the doom metal genre, and yet some of them regularly take the time to read and occasionally post on the forums.

And what brought this on, you ask? News, folks! Well, not news precisely, but an update! About the upcoming album!

From the MDB forums:

"Hi All,

just for the sake of not putting on facebook and still keeping some of the exclusivity and fun of the forum i thought i'd post my views on the new l.p. in relation to the concerns / posts that have appeared here.

It has elements you'll recognise as from a similar vein / vibe as The Barghest, but the overall l.p. has had a complete overhaul and is sounding significantly more epic and majestic far above our initial expectations.

There is a new Doom coming that's beyond the scope of our previous work a pure marriage of winters bleak yet beautiful sorrow. I can't say more just yet.

We're very excited, those that have stuck with MDB through the years will be proud to say they have.


...Significantly more epic? Majestic far above expectations? Mr Craighan, you are positively killing me. I want this album now!

doom metal, my dying bride

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