Bigbang art and other things

Aug 18, 2008 11:26

The SGA Bigbang site went live last week. I did artwork for leahwoof's (Leah & springwoof) lovely story Enthrall.

You can see the full image here and if you want, leave feedback for me at the comm here

Things positive:

Lovely pictures of events in the Mahabharat and Ramayan. Some of them are gorgeous.
Cuteness :)
• Kimberly Walker, first female master gunnery sergeant in her field. And she has six kids!
Cat adopts rabbit, awwwwww!

Things negative:
• Holy entitlement complex Batman! O_o Why must you be in SPN fandom :(
Um, no. You don't get to let your personal beliefs come in the way of women's health. If it's that big a deal, find another job.
• The strange hypocrisy about America's generosity where much of the world keeps talking smack about how much aid USA gives, when the US government is usually the highest donor in international emergency operations, and private donations from American citizens is often much higher than that. And it comes even from people who are the direct beneficiaries of these donations. I was in India when the tsunami hit and amazingly enough, the politicians riding around in gleaming Mercedes' who seemed to have their own pockets sewn shut, seemed to have much to complain about where the US was concerned.

ETA: Dumbfounding article on why Atlantis is so much better this season: there's more Mckay and less of all of those annoying Teyla moments. Excuse me while I laugh hysterically, exactly which of the overabundant Teyla moments are being referred to here? And poor Rodney, so shortchanged in the way the show barely features him, his story, his emotions, his family, his life, how he barely gets a line in any given episode, how he rarely gets to do anything important in the storyline and... I like Rodney, but it's kind of laughable that anyone would think that we were getting too little Rodney and too much Teyla.

rodney, rant, sga, blather, john, art

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