story rec and someone rec me gay themed movies?

Apr 07, 2008 16:04

Art is Long" by miss_porcupine.
Summary:Life is short, art is long, opportunity fleeting, experimenting dangerous, reasoning difficult. -- Hippocrates
If you've read Qui habitat, you'll like this. If you haven't read Qui habitat, you'll like this. The Rodney voice is absolutely perfect. It's not light reading, what it is is awesome story-telling. Go read and leave admiring feedback :)

Completely and utterly unrelated to the story above, can people recommend some gay (using gay as shorthand for gay and lesbian here) themed movies to me? Realistic, fluffy, sweet but stupid, anything will do. It doesn't need to be about coming out, it can just have a central lead or important side story of a gay couple. Doesn't even need to end with coupling up. The only thing, um, maybe warn me if it might make me despair for humanity with the ending. Thanks!


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