Sundry things, a few recs and prompt requests

Dec 27, 2007 01:53

I hope everyone who celebrates it had a very merry Christmas and those who don't, got a restful holiday anyway :)

Some thanks and a bit of preening:
Thank you to everyone who voted for me in the Mckay/Sheppard awards, Respite got me a very flattering runner up position in the digital art category. (I feel like I should give a nice speech here, but the Indian cricket team is collapsing like a house of cards in Australia and the joy of the result above only extends to making me not mourn much about that.)

Things more somber:
Just finished watching Dances with Wolves. Apart from some niggles (including some slightly superficial ones of Costner shaving off his moustache and looking even more incongruous and McDonell having 80s hair), I rather liked it. However, everyone knows how that story ends. I watched Aimee and Jaguar last week. Recommend it highly. It's a love story -and more- set in Nazi Germany, between two female protagonists and Maria Schrader (Jaguar) is brilliant. However, given what I just said about the setting, we all know how that big picture ends as well. Now I just need to watch 1947 Earth to round up a triumvirate of human beings being somewhat excellent in the middle of being immensely, unbelievably horrific.

Some recs:
Fic - A very happy non-denominational voluntary non-working day by miss_porcupine Go!
Art - An interesting manip for the sga art santa challenge. Two somewhat glaring mistakes, with the crescent moon apparently turning transparent and a part of the balcony missing, but other than that, charming mood with consistent coloring, creative scenery and a case where blurring works.
And this beautiful beautiful one with Heightmeyer, Mucha style. Art styles are pretty hard to hide, and I'm quite certain I know who did this one and I am not at all surprised at the gorgeousness.

Things that you're probably following this journal for:
If you're still reading, feel free to drop an art prompt, SGA or SPN or maybe even a crossover. Gen preferred (for SPN, gen only please), rating as low as possible. As always, disclaimer being that it is a selfish attempt to pick other people's brains without making any guarantees about completion of said prompts.

prompts, recs

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