let meee entertain youuu...except in reverse

Aug 02, 2007 15:20

Hello! I am bored! I wish to make people write drabbles/ficlets for me that I will then illustrate! Order will be by what I can do first rather than first come first served, but will try my best to get to all of them. I'll close it if I'm getting too many (I wish). Fandoms are SGA and Supernatural ( Read more... )


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ltlj August 2 2007, 19:43:18 UTC
Hmm, I'll give something with teamy-cuddliness a shot.


ileliberte August 2 2007, 19:59:35 UTC
Yay! Team cuddliness is the best type of cuddliness ♥


ltlj August 2 2007, 22:30:54 UTC
Got it done! I posted it in my journal here, because it turned out a bit long.


ileliberte August 3 2007, 00:46:47 UTC
I LOVE it! Oh the squished in team awwww. Almost done with picture! Well, almost almost. :D


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