This is a pointless post

Feb 22, 2012 20:34

I feel like I haven't made a pointless post in ages. I guess you're in luck :D Thank you to deirdre_c, fleshflutter and oxoniensis for the pretty hearts ♥ I got a mouse in my room for Valentine's Day, yay me! :( My SGA Reversebang image is due soon, I really should finish it. I love reversebangs so much.

I'm trying to decide if it's worth renewing my paid time on LJ. I love being ad-less, but I haven't posted any polls in forever and the default lj layout is crap... I'm on tumblr a lot, but it is not a very good conversational medium and I kind of hate using it for that, but so many people are on there. It's not like LJ's dead, but I really wish it had been a little more alive for certain fandoms.

Here, have a song:
Sadda Haq from the movie Rockstar All the songs in this soundtrack are great, but this one's my favorite.
Download here. (Right click/save :))

How are all of you doing?

blather, music

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