Upcoming art, halloween stuff and a question for Community fans

Oct 28, 2011 13:14

My art for spn_cinema gets posted on November 1. I really should finish it soon, shouldn't I?

I made a header for the lj halloween header contest. I lost but I did get a whole bunch of lj tokens for making the final 5. Yay saving money on next year's paid account fee! Here's the banner I made. it's almost halloween anyway, but if you want the banner and wnat it in a different size, feel free to ask :)

Still haven't caught up on all the shows I missed episodes of, but getting there. I'm glad How I Met Your Mother is being quality again. Despite my Barney/Robin allegiance, I do like new love interests.

Community fans, I have a question. Is there a lot of Abed and Troy or is it mostly Joel McHale's character with those two making occasional appearances? And is there a lot of Chevy Chase? I can't stand him but I think Abed and Troy and Annie are kind of adorable from the clips I've seen of them.

In conclusion, why is my LJ posting typeface now Courier? I do not approve >:(


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