• This week is so full of TV! HIMYM was amazing, Glee was more :D than >:( which is all I ask of it, I can't wait for Criminal Minds and the Mentalist. I might possibly watch a bit too much TV.
The dance was hot. NPH and Cobie Smulders, swivel your hips some more, please ♥ I rather like the Nora subplot, but I really do think the wedding is between Barney and Robin. No way would Nora be asking Ted for last minute wedding jitters stuff, and there's no reason why Lily would be Nora's bridesmaid. I'm all for keeping Barney fun but getting rid of his more obnoxious womanizing habits. It makes him mroe of a real person ratehr than a caricature. Marshall and Lily remain an adorable couple. And finally, Victoriaaaa!!!
In brief: Will Schuester, I hate you; Kurt Hummel and Rachel Berry, I LOVE YOU (Chris Colfer, you keep getting prettier and prettier. I approve); Blaine, you're an adorable goober and I love your besotted face, but wear some socks please; Emma, look at you being all good-counselory, drop that douchebag Schuester; Beiste, be on my screen more please ♥ ; Santana baby, I do love you, but what are you doing? Also, I hate Will too, so, there there; Artie, hey, there you go, a whole episode of being sweet from you! I knew you could get there; Tina and Mike, you are flawless; Finn...what's going on?; Mercedes, I hope you get good storylines, because you're lovely and your bf seems sweet; Sue, whatever :/
• I made a Halloween banner for LJ (the banner that you can see on profile pages/lj home page etc.) for the LJ header contest. It's being voted on on
remixed rn if you want to check it out :)
• I meant to do two pieces for
spn_reversebang but that didn't happen :( I did submit one, am looking forward to what gets done with that :)
• Totally forgot about
spn_cinema!!! Will have to have a draft ready before I leave since the draft submission deadline's on the day I get back.
• There will be a Glee art post with a bunch of pieces tomorrow or tonight. Be prepared! Tumblr has made me lax about posting my Glee art here... I'm
ileliberte on there too, and it's 99.5% Glee stuff, fyi.
• In conclusion, I am gearing up for a three week long trip. This Sunday. There will be shenanigans with
pentapus for a few days in the middle there :D Obviously, I am still not packed. But I do have a pre-trip haircut! /priorities