this is getting to be a habit

Apr 18, 2007 16:38

You know that Mary Sue meme going around? I have the strongest urge to draw mine. There'll be wonderful things like stylish yet low-heeled boots, a haircut that only ranges from brushed down cool to careless cool (rather than degenerating to all-over-your-face dork) and a fancy flannel overshirt that flaps in the wind as I fly over the city aiding the clueless with my brains of awesome. I can be "Omniscient Woman"...although having a huge O on my chest would look a bit too much like having a zero and calling myself a loser. Maybe I can be Superomniscient Woman and have a S instead. And sometimes, I'll get into a fistfight with someone and knock the guy out with some well-aimed taps from my martial arts trained, toned arms.

If you're looking for a point to this post, there is none.

And yes, I'm bored again. Why do you ask?


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