Art: Glee, Summer Day (Santana/Brittany) G

Apr 05, 2011 00:15

Title: Summer Day
Rating: G
Fandom: Glee
Characters: Santana/Brittany
Because they're really sweet together

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brittany, santana, art, glee

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Comments 50

aurora_84 April 5 2011, 19:30:21 UTC
(Writing on her hand!!)


ileliberte April 6 2011, 17:46:31 UTC
Glad you liked it :D


(The comment has been removed)

ileliberte April 6 2011, 17:49:27 UTC
Thank you for commenting. I'm really glad you liked it :)


grammarwoman April 5 2011, 20:41:44 UTC
I love this picture so much, all the little details, that Brittany is the center of Santana's attention, that their shoes are nowhere to be seen, the flower in Brit's hair (and maybe Santana has a matching one we can't see)... *happy sigh*


ileliberte April 6 2011, 17:52:18 UTC
Thank you so much! I love emotionally intimate scenarios and I figured Brittany would definitely be the kind of girl to stick a wildflower in her hair :) Also, hey, it seems we share quite a few fandoms, I seem to remember you commenting on my SGA etc. pieces before :D It's fun to find people who fandom-hop as much as I do.


grammarwoman April 11 2011, 03:55:13 UTC
Hee, I'm tickled that you remembered me. :)

Yup, SGA, Star Trek, Glee... You do so many fine pieces of art in such an array of fandoms. I always look forward to what you'll come up with next.


littlemusical April 5 2011, 22:11:04 UTC
The details are amazing and I love the expression on Santana's face - relaxed and adoring. :D Brilliant. One of my favourite fan arts. xx


ileliberte April 6 2011, 17:52:47 UTC
Aww, thank you! I'm really flattered you like it that much :)


pee_wee_2005 April 5 2011, 22:21:37 UTC


ileliberte April 6 2011, 17:53:35 UTC
Aww, I'm glad you liked it!


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