Blah blah and some more music

Apr 15, 2007 12:53

So my birthday was about two weeks ago and it didn't particularly make me feel any more grown up than I did the day before it. However, apparently doing all your taxes by yourself on time and not giving in to the temptation of having your parents or your sister do it for you can fix that, I feel all grown up now ( Read more... )


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Comments 12

miscellanny April 15 2007, 17:13:13 UTC
I'm downloading both, thanks ever so much.


ileliberte April 16 2007, 02:34:44 UTC
You're welcome, hope you enjoy them :)


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ileliberte April 16 2007, 02:33:04 UTC
I have the whole album for both, let me know if you're interested and I'll upload them gradually.

Thank you :)


runpunkrun April 15 2007, 18:07:22 UTC


ileliberte April 16 2007, 02:34:17 UTC
Let me know what you think :) I have the whole album for both the songs, so if you're interested I'll upload them gradually.


runpunkrun April 17 2007, 04:32:10 UTC
I liked them both, but I think I liked "Nadhiye" the best. It was catchy without me even knowing what was going on. *g*


muccamukk April 15 2007, 20:37:39 UTC
Stole you're tunes! They are most highly awesome. Thank you.

Are you into Scandinavian triphop at all? I think you might like Sorten Muld's vocals. I'll e-mail you a few tracks if you like.


ileliberte April 16 2007, 02:14:49 UTC
You're welcome. I love these songs. I could never get into pure Indian classical music because even though the vocal skills (or instrumental skills) are awesome, I need a tighter structure to be able to enjoy the depth of the music. Fusion work is the perfect combination, and I love to have people hear it as well.

I have absolutely no idea about Scandinavian triphop, but I would love to hear some. Email's ileliberte(at)gmail :)


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ileliberte April 16 2007, 02:15:56 UTC
You're welcome! I love this music and if you're interested in more, just click on the music tag, I have a few older uploads which you might like. Aww, Rodney :D


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