Six things make a post

Jan 15, 2011 20:20

1) I am fish-sitting for a housemate and thought I'd killed it when I came home last night and found it unmoving at the bottom of the bowl. Apparently that's how fish rest and my panicked moving around of the bowl only disturbed it. But seriously, how would I know? I only eat the damn things, I've never observed one for longer than a few minutes :/ It's kind of cute when it eats though.

2) I am currently drawing:
a) Wee!Dean and wee!Sam trick or treating as Batman and Robin in semi-homemade costumes (almost done)
b) Santana in a Dalton uniform (hopefully hot)
c) Kurt, Mercedes and Blaine out walking in the snow (schmoooop)

3) If the comm is called Kurt_Blaine, putting "Blaine exists" in the header as a spoiler for fics is only funny the first couple of times. It's really annoying the bajillionth time I see it. It's a comm called kurt_blaine! Of course Blaine exists! /irrational peeve

4) leyna55's Yuletart art is gorgeous. Go admire it here.

5) Trekreversebang will open shop on Monday *goes to work on new FAQ*

6) I love my new icon.

spn, blather, glee

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