Art: Star Trek Bigbang!

Nov 17, 2009 20:20

For Star trek Bigbang, I got to draw for this wonderful plotty story, As Sparks Fly Upward (on dreamwidth), by the delightful jedibuttercup. I made a cover and an illustration for the story. Look at the art and then go read it! (Or you can read it first, but you better come back here! :P ( Read more... )

bigbang, star trek, art

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Comments 51

bbuttercup November 18 2009, 01:34:16 UTC
Wow, these are gorgeous :o)


ileliberte November 18 2009, 14:26:31 UTC
Thank you so much :D


(The comment has been removed)

ileliberte November 18 2009, 14:26:53 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked them :D


latenightarting November 18 2009, 01:53:59 UTC
Amazing scenes for the story! The Star Trek-esque technology is perfect, along with the Enterprise gliding through a lovely view of space with a hint of another space craft off to the side creeping into the picture. The compositions and perspectives are fantastic. Great design of the pieces and use of textures and lighting in the illustration. I love how we are looking from behind the trio down on an alarming scene of the captive Vulcans, as if the viewer is taking a part in the story.

I envy your illustrative skills.


ileliberte November 18 2009, 16:02:24 UTC
Thank you for the lovely comment :) I was worried about how the second piece would turn out, the first came into being much more smoothly. I'm glad you like the composition for both, it was less of a worry in the first one, but I still didn't want it to turn out to be too much empty space with unbalanced points of interest, so I'm relieved that works well.


leonie_alastair November 18 2009, 02:37:57 UTC
These are amazing and beautiful. I loved your work for SGA and the pieces you've done for star trek are even better. I took the icon, will credit. Thanks!


ileliberte November 18 2009, 16:03:16 UTC
Aw, thank you so much! I'm really glad you like my work :)


muccamukk November 18 2009, 03:36:59 UTC
As I've said before, I love the colour and composition of the cover.

As to the inside, your Romulan!Kirk looks way more convincing than in the TOS ep. I feel that something very exciting is about to happen.


ileliberte November 18 2009, 16:06:20 UTC
Thank you again :) I'm glad you like the second piece too, I was a lot more worried about how that one would turn out.


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