Art beta, username poll and SGA art rec

Sep 09, 2009 10:48

Is anyone online and able to take a quick look at an SGA picture? I just want a second pair of eyes to look it over since I'm a little iffy about some of the linework and want to get it finished this evening. Thanks!

ETA: Got it!

And relatedly, what are your AIM usernames? I realized after making the poll that people might be on gchat as well, so if that's the case, maybe put down your username and add a "@gmail" to it. Mine's just my lj username in both places.
Poll IM username

Speaking of SGA, have you guys seen steammmpunk's latest? It's completely happy-making. Her artwork is always so sweet and this one is no exception: Let's Just Walk for a While (G)

rec, poll

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