Art: Star Trek, Diplomatic Relations, Uhura, Kirk etc. [G]

Jul 14, 2009 23:27

Title: Diplomatic Relations
Rating: G
I have no clue what the premise for this is meant to be, please make up your own awesome story for why the hell this picture would even happen. I mainly just wanted to put Uhura and Kirk in Indian clothes.

ETA: I can haz fic snippet \o/ Courtesy of the lovely leupagus, there is now a possible explanation of what on earth might be going on here :D

ETA2: Now with title thanks to miss_porcupine, who also had this to add (with Uhura quoting Will Rogers):
"There is more to diplomacy than saying 'nice doggie' until you can find a rock, Captain."
"There's a MONKEY IN MY HAIR, Lieutenant."
"Now you know how the rest of us feel, sir."

kirk, star trek, art, uhura

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