Sep 14, 2008 12:05
It's been awhile since my last post, especially as I made a decision to update more often. And, like my previous posts this will probably be just a wrap up of recent history.
So Last night was my first shift at work in Ages, around 2.5 months infact. I quickly came to the realisation that I know why I never missed it, the entire evening was an excersise in calamity. They have finished the refit at work, which is great, it means things won't be moving again, however it also means that I'm completely lost. Add to this the fact that the load was 3 hrs late, that there were not enough cages to run the load, and you have the perfect mix for a calamity of some reputation.
Afterwork, on the way home I started bleeding from the face, well my nose. by the time I got home my face and hands were covered with blood, it is not the easiest thing driving with your wrists. Now this isn't an unusual thing, though it hasn't happened in a while, painless nose bleeds are somewhat of a hereditry trait in the males of my family (it might not be limited to the males, but with only my aunt to go by I can't be certain).
I didn't go to my lab this week, I thought that handling highly dangerous chemicals whilst ill would be a bad idea, so I went to the doctors and apparently I am ill, moreso than I thought. Mind you it cost me $70 to find this out, money which, frankly, I don't really have to spend at the minute (there is a good reason why I don't go to the do doctors often).
Possibly of more concern is the fact that in the last week or so I've started seeing things, some of which could be passed off as being legitimate things, others are rather more worrying. The car that I saw that dissapeared, it might have turned off, but in my opinion it was travelling too fast for that. the lights that I saw flickering, but weren't are rather more worrisome. what this is I don't know, biut I can't afford to go back to the doctors again.
This mix of not going to class, huge piles of work and the other fiascos means that I'm rather behind on where I should be at Uni and a little swamped. Though this I know I would have fallen over a number of times, without Mel, who keeps me focused and supports me, even if she doesn't realise how much.