I think renew the firewall asap. What kind of firewall is it? Some programs renew the firewall and antivirus on the same subscription. Don;'t trust Yahoo! too much thir toolbar is spyware so i'm not surprised it doesn't get along with your firewall. The sad truth is many big sites like Yahoo! are some of the worst when it comes to spyware. Also Microsoft has a ton of spyware too but I need it since that's what they use in my computer classes. -.- I suggest using Firefox instead of Internet Explorer if you're not already using it. Also download Spyware Seartch and Destroy and Adaware SE you can find some useful information on this site: http://forums.thatcomputerguy.us/
Did you buy the norton firewall and antivirus separetaly? I bought them toguether in "Norton Internet Security" so I pay for them toguether the renual is $39.99 (american money) if I remember correctly. Firefox r0x0r2! *huggles it*
On Internet Explorer? Firefox is better. Once I got an attack alert from a friend's site whom I know wouldn't put anything bad there. Of course the server could be infected without the users of it knowing but still it was pretty weird. I still used Explorer at the time. *huggles Firefox* Toolbrs are eBil, 90% of them contain spyware and that's at least.
Not many people use Opera, it's better than explorer in security but sometimes sites aren't friendly to it. Firefox has always worked for me firewall or not but why would you disable the firewall anyway?
Oh, I don't. It's just that it doesn't work when my dad's downloading tv shows. And yeah, Opera's weird because the... uh, alignment is off. Like on the log in thing on LJ, the username text starts right after the little head icon thingy. On Opera, it just starts at the beginning of the box and thus over laps with the icon.
And I'm getting A LOT of threats lately. Three attacks yesterday.
Well, I might as well renew them both in April, when the antivirus expires.
My uncle uses... Opera?
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