I must be really well liked or something, because my plate is loaded. And school has yet to reach one month throttle. First of all, I am now the Parlamentarian of the Business organization. I'm a noob of the club, but I ran anyways. I kinda was the only person running for that, btw. Not too amazing. Everyone wants the big four. That being President, Vice, Secretary, and Treasurer. So now, I have a chance to go this wonder leadership conference thingy. That's Event 1.
Event 2: Every year, we host this event for the 5-8 graders who will attend our school sometime in the near future. It's a fitness event that you have to be selected to intend. I participated in it 5 and 6 grade (wow, that seems light years away). Anywho, my PE teacher posted the sigh up list for those who are interested to help right after my class was dismissed, so I didn't get a chance to write my name down until this morning. But this morning, there was a note saying that she already had 90+ people interested in helping. So I was thinking that I would wait until next year when the above mentioned teacher says, "Hey, you said you were interested in helping, right? Well, I took a look at the students who had signed up (to help) and it's very scary. Would you like to participate? I really need someone who's responsible."
WOW. The word responsible is never applied to moi.
Event 3: Two my friends are inviting me to present with them at this conference. One of things that I have to teach is html, something that gives me huge headaches. Heck, I still have to look up half of the lj tags. But at least they work. I'm good. This puts me on the prefered list of yet another tech teacher. And I haven't taken a single tech class yet (I've signed up for plenty, but am always denied. At least I'm in most of the tech clubs). And the three of us get to split $75.
Event 4: The fall business conference. I get to go cuz I joined!
Yay! That's all the course of one month. Busy busy busy. Plus some of the follow up stuff from summer. Plus Jazz band. But I'm <3ing it.
Autumn Moon Festival last Sunday! Go Hot Pot! Go MoonCakes! Here's an awesome pic that I snapped that night.
Now that's all I have to say... I <3 You if that's Okay...