Tiring boring week with the exception of last night, my red-headed alter-ego's 21st.
Her party was so much fun. She had a live band (The Kujo Kings) so there was lots of crazy dancing and skanking.
Photos from the party:
The place was really nice. Spacious, i.e. room for crazy dancing. Also, the ladies room was awesome, it had a powder room! All places should have a powder room!!
The band getting ready
The last few of the night
Also have a few polaroids from the night that I took (a part of my present to the birthday girl)
Left: Fail photo that one of the band members decided to draw on :P
Right: Me & my red-headed alter ego aka the birthday girl
Nevertheless, I had an awesome time, albeit I'm a bit tired and sore from all the dancing last night.
Moving on....
{1. picking shoes for the 21st; 2 & 3. disappearing TARDIS mug I received for my birthday; 4. Legend of Korra, creme brulee tea & choc chip cookies; 4. Portal companion cube cookie jar I received for my birthday; 6. Saw the new John Cleese movie, 'Spud'}
Cute cards of the Victorian train stations
Here are more It was hilarious to me that my boyfriend is terrified of spiders whilst I find them awesome (I want a pet tarantula)
These make my ocd extremely happy
Here are more Because everyone loves cat gifs
And lastly...
Kujo Kings
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Reel Big Fish
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One of their best covers
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The Aquabats
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Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra
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Okay, I think that's enough for now. I'll head off now. 'Til next time :) xoxo