Dear me, I keep forgetting to post...
Anyway, Christmas was AWESOME. SO much food! I forgot to take a picture of the food before I dug in, but I did manage a photo of the pumpkin soup.
And these photos are from last week:
Christmas ice coffee from Chokolait (in Royal Arcade), best ice coffee. They also make the best hot chocolate.
Christmas card from
pebblegosling, FROM JAPAN!!!! Totally made my Christmas ^^ (L)
Cool/weird goth dress we found at Savers
Pidove in an Ultra ball I got from those toy dispensing things (for $2). I'm not sure if it was a waste of money or best $2 I ever spent.
I tried to get a picture of just the gargoyle, but the annoying poser chick was in the way and my friend pulled me away
Cool reindeer (rudolph..?) car I managed to snap a photo of as it drove by
Oh, and here's my Christmas outfit:
Dress from Forever New ($80-ish)
Earrings from some stall in Moonee Ponds mum found ($4)
Ribbon from a $2 store, no idea how much or where from
Oh, and I bought more shoes this week!
Also bought these:
TARDIS iPhone case!!
Ring I found at Savers ^^
Okay, and I'm out of photos now. I won't be able to post Monday next week since I'm going away to Rosebud for two days, so that means I will be able to post on Wednesday.
I've just been catching up with people all this week, nothing major.
Anyway, off to get some noms.