Happy Year of the Tiger!
I have a feeling that this year will be very good. A Tiger is a very strong symbol after all.
This year we'll need all the strength we can muster.
I could say my day started on a good note.
Although I stayed up until 3am cleaning the house, it was worth it.
I think it's bad to start any sort of New Year with a messy house.
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it's a tradition to clean the house before new year...
Or I'm just very housewifey lol
I wouldn't mind being a housewife you know. Hence I said that.
But ok... I'm subconsciously influenced. Urges to clean kept the feeling of sleepiness away from me until I was satisfied the house was sufficiently clean to greet the new year.
lol that's sooo asian...
haha ok. Asian it is then. It's nice seeing the house clean.
*sigh* i really need to drag you down to taiwan on CNY
lol, so I can help clean? :P Shall I add it to the list? I don't think dragging would be necessary.
oh if you want to clean all 5 storeys sure. NO! I'm just gonna show you how cny should be like.
Oh Sandy especially if there are 5 storeys to clean, I'm not just going to sit around and wait for the celebrations to start. What kind of an impression would that make? And I'm supposed to LIKE cleaning, so it's no bother if I do :)
^___^ But that is a lovely idea. I'll write it on the list :)
lol...well, you're a guest, you're not meant to clean around the house. it should be clean when you get there.
then we should experience new year the japanese way. it's different plus they celebrate it on 1st of jan, not by lunar calendar. hmmm, we should check out summer festivals too (natsu matsuri) cuz there's awesome fireworks, nice food, games, parades and you might want to try on a yukata.
well... yes technically it should be clean. ...Can I at least help cook? I'd so like to watch and see how it's all made.
So... we're going to Taiwan to celebrate CNY by the lunar calendar, and then we're going to Japan the next year to celebrate it on the calendar New Year? Lol sounds like you're getting quite into this idea :) It sounds like lots of fun ^^ And I will wear one if you do :P
Oh sure. But i guess i'll have to be on standby to do the translation...
Well, lunar ny is usually in feb so technically, we'll go to japan first. For both xmas and ny or just ny? Then we go to taiwan. WAIT. hold on... We dont have to do them all at once...
^^ more of your company! ^___^ Would you teach me some phrases so i can at least say and understand some things? Like... thank you, please, sorry, can i help clean? xD
I was thinking that too, but yes, we should spread it out :) And it'd be quite expensive to go to both places within such a short time frame.
and lol! I am prepared to wear one :) they're so beautiful.
yeah, i can do that. but only in mando cuz my taiwanese sucks. and no, im not gonna teach you "can i help clean?"
unless we backpack or choose the cheapest budget options or something...>__> which is dodgy. yeah, that way, we'll have an excuse to keep in contact for a loooonnnnng time.
ok good. you sound surprised to hear that im fine with wearing a yukata...
Mhmm, we'll go on our own :) Easier to not get lost then :)
That's a shame... oh and you must teach me "can i help clean?"! Pleeaaase? I'll beg if I have to.
no backpacking! We want the full experience. Oooooohhh we should make a list of all the places in Japan we should go to! Reckon I'd be able to drive there, if we rent a car? Shouldn't be that hard... is it on the opposite side of the road?
^-^ That's the point... we'll be friends for a loooooong time still.
I never thought about you wearing one to be honest. But I'd like to see you in one :) I think it'd really suit you ^^
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