(no subject)

Jul 11, 2010 20:03

So instead of working on my cosplays which are not even close to done I have decided to sit down and do a long overdue progress post. Beware - you may fall alseep..... all over the fabric I just laid out.

First off: I love this dog to death, I don't know what is going through his brain 90% of the time, but he just makes me laugh. Case and point... WTF????

And before I post some progress I just felt the need to share this. I am by no means a vegitarian, although I love veggies and tofu... but sometimes going to a resturaunt with my sister makes me not want to eat meat ever again.

She ate that whole thing, and then had dessert... I swear she has a hollow leg or something.

Howkay! Now some cosplay pictures. A couple of weeks ago Sarah and I had a sisterly sleep over where no sleep actually occured. Instead we got a jump on some of the HOWTHEHECKDOIDOTHAT parts of her costume. These things are my awesome brain child that are composed of wire, styrofoam balls, duct tape and lots and lots of spray foam.

Sarah carved them into something more recognizable then a creepy looking swamp thing get up. She is in the process of paper macheing them and painting and doing whatever else she needs to do.

We also did something similar to what we did for the vines for her hair pieces. I don't envy her wraping hair around everything...

The bane of my existence for the past 2 or 3 weeks is this stupid hat:

I knew it was going to be difficult but it really really turned out to be a major PITA. But its almost done. I need to finish the edges, and attach the mask so it doesn't look like a hot mess and make and attach the little dangly bits on ends of the ear flaps.

My boyfriend bought me a serger! I have been playing with it and it is awesome! I made the pants and am working on the leotard, but its going slowly since I had to leave town for a wedding for the past week. But hopefully it will get done soon.

And because Jo posted Raiel progress I decided to take a pic of my Sizer armor as it looks now.

Please excuse my derpy face... It was a quick shot. The contacts are cool, but they are circle lenses and I have light colored eyes, so they end up looking sorta odd close up. Hopefully that won't be too apparent in pictures.

OH! I also got an airbrush. I got it so we could paint Sarah for Poison Ivy but I have always wanted one. I was playing with it today. I re-painted my Yuna staff, it looks so much smoother now. <3

So it seems I have about 3 weeks left to get everything done. I think I got it, I hope nothing goes wrong at work to thwart my plans!

Sofar it looks like the plan for Otakon is:

Arrive Thursday get badge hang out possibly finish stuff in the hotel room.
Friday - Sizer with Jo as Raiel and Sarah as Ocarina
Saturday - Harley with Sarah as Ivy
Sunday - Maybe Harley and Ivy depending on how we feel. Packing up and going home!

Is getting excited. Ok now I gotta go play soccer then come home and make a mess (a.k.a. sew)

Oh boy Oh boy Oh boy!

sizer, poison ivy, harley, otakon, progress, cosplay

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