Katuscon 2010!

Feb 17, 2010 16:12

Omg, after getting 5 feet of snow dumped on me the week prior to Katsucon I was afraid I would not even get to go. Luckily some time Wed night a plow came through my neighbor hood and plowed a path to the street so I didn't have to. Which is lucky because Zach broke the snow shovel trying to dig his car out and I'm not quite sure how efficient I would have been with my own two hands.

Anyways, I am home, settled in and back at my every day business.

I was super excited for this Katsu because of the location, which was awesome and made for some epic looking photos, and because I had some fun things planned.

First of which was our Black Mage YuRiPa group with pixiekitty015 She makes the best Rikku ever!


The Paine is my sister Kitsunebaby. She made the head of my staff in exchange for her hat, shoes, jacket and waist belts. The staff is carved from pink insulation foam and then was papermached for strength and then primed. I was able to paint the staff and add all of the details Thursday night in the hotel room since the badges never got there for pre-reg (WTF?!?!). I like how it came out even though there are things I totally need to fix.  The belt being the first thing, it looks so bad and makes me look like a block. I also need to tack the sleeves down better since they made posing difficult.

Second I was pretty disappointed to learn a week before the convention that my old Talim weapons has been ruined. I figured out that when using insulation foam if you only coat it in glue with no paper mache the glue starts to bubble and bloat. No more glue coating on foam for me. From now on it's paper mache or epoxy resin. I wanted some blades to use for my Talim cosplay (come on now SoulCal is a game about weapons afterall) so I found Talim's cresent blades and decided they were the only ones capable of being made in a week. I had my dad cut the blades out of ply wood and he sanded them to edges for me. I was able to attatch the handles and sculpt the tops Friday morning and painted the blades Friday night. I think they turned out pretty well for a last minute addition.


I still really love this costume even though I am always scared that my bum bum will show.

This Katsu I particularly enjoyed because I got to meet a whole bunch of people. Mainly because I decided to stop being a scardy pants and actually introduce myself. A lot of which are people I admire and I look forward to seeing and talking to them again at future conventions.

It totally sucked but due to the blizzard that stopped the state for like 4 days and the limited amount of space in my car I wasn't able to bring Sizer to Katsu = (. I was way excited to debut her, but I am confident she will make an appearance at Otakon. So help me I will rent a dang moving truck to get her there if I have to. But I guess the good news is I have plenty of time to sand out all of those pesky bumps I overlooked.

I'm gonna take a couple weeks break to clean up my work space and plan out my next cosplays before I start again. I have some cool things in mind that I can't want to get rolling.

Until next time Ellie - Out!

amy, paine, yuna, pixiekitty015, cosplay, 2010, katsucon, convention, talim

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