Alright, I'm making my usual pilgrimage to the Gritters public library because not only do I have work to do, but I'm a freak who likes to take walks (::Gasp!:: someone call Ripley's!). And as I'm approaching the library, this hick on a scooter/motorbike thingie (note: never ask a fairy about auto mechanics), swerves around the corner and I glance at him, wondering what he was riding and how he got it to be so shiny. And I turn around for one last look because he was kind of hot, and he screeches on his bike, drives around and starts screaming, "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU LOOKING AT!?" And I, being the little non-confontational peace loving hippie (bitch) I am, am totally taken aback by this. So I calmly (and hopefully heterosexually, seeing as how I didn't want to get my cute black ass kicked by this hick with bad teeth for being a fag) tell him that I was just wondering what his bike was and that I didn't want him to bust a cap in my black ass (in layman's terms). Thank Venus he apologized because:
Is never a pretty sight. But seriously, it seems that lately this world needs some serious anger management or some valium or something like that because between the random fights that have been springing up here and there at school, it just seems like to me everyone's just becoming more and more violent. It's scary, and frightening, and I'm just clutching my little change purse tighter and tighter...