Shameless art spammage - part two

Jan 06, 2006 01:37

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that 2006 has started off well! :)
I'd like to say thank you for the birthday greetings back in December. I hope I thanked everyone individually at the time, but I wanted to say it again.

Well, and (better late than never) I wanted to show you this terribly cute story by arionrhod and scribbulus_ink, Boomslang and Bathwater (R rated, Snape/Lupin). It's sweet and OMGSOHOT and heartwarming, and has my all time favorite version of Remus and Severus. It's based on my drawing, Candlelight, and they dedicated it to me, and I really squeed my silly head off over it.! ^_^

And while I'm at this, I'd like to go on to pimp some more. Secret Snupin Santa was a truly awesome exchange, and the first one I participated in. There were loads of great Snupin themed gifts from writings to icon sets, and gosh, I got an incredible gift fic from thetreacletart, Tidings of Little Comfort and Questionable Joy (PG-13 rated, Snape/Lupin, Harry, Draco). Not your average Christmas Fic, so romantic and hilarious and perfect, and if you fancy a really good laugh you should try this. Brilliant. :)

Just one more, okay? I didn't have much time to read recently, but I started to follow hello_hbp because I have absolute trust in the authors, ac1d6urn and sinick. There are only two chapters so far, but they are more than promising, and highly recommended to anyone who wants to fall in love with post-HBP Snarry. Go, ladies! :)

And I came bearing artses! It has been a long time since the last update - there are pictures scattered all over LJ I have yet to post here. The first dose with the smutty stuff was friends only, but here are the not-so-naughty ones. :)))

Title: Blonde in skirt
Pairings: Harry/Draco (kind of)
Posted on: perposterice
Rate: PG-13 for crossdressing?
Note: mctabby's Summary Executions are a constant inspiration. *g* Only one sketch this time, but I liked the mental image too much. :D

Title: Oooh, pwetty!
Pairings: Snape/Lupin, Harry/Draco
Posted on: snark_watch
Rate: G
Note: Sketchy illustration for snark_n_bark RPG - this was Harry and Draco's first encounter with the Snape-Lupin children, Cymbeline and Lysander. As you can guess, the boys needed all their courage... :)))

Title: Mad-eye
Rate: G
Note: This is just a quick portrait of Moody. I've seen GoF in the theatre, it was great, but I wasn't entirely pleased with the way he looked. I loved the characterization, but missed that scary-but-respectable air about him I imagined him to have. He looked like a grizzled, grumpy old sailor from PotC to me... But I am not entirely pleased with my own character design, too, so I'll try it again, I guess. :)

Title: Happy birthday, Lore!
Pairings: Snape/Lupin of course
Posted on: tales_of_errol
Rate: G
Note: Birthday card for _lore with chocolate cake and Snupin ♥

Title: Holding out for a hero
Character: Draco
Posted on: andropotterist
Rate: PG-13 for crossdressing?
Note: This is another b-day card, this time for grey_hunter. Draco in red, looking for his hero, from her fabulous novel-length WIP fic, The Basket Case (H/D, mpreg) *pimp pimp pimp* :D
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