Yesterday was just a beautiful necessary. WIS was fantastic as a student, but it's much better as an alum. Mr. Vincent Larry was the first I ran into, where he took me to the grill where he was still proudly "The Grill King."
Little'un: "Can I have a hot dog?"
Larry: "No, but you can have this wrinkly hot dog!"
A hamburger and trip to his classroom later, we talked about past WIS shows, Brown Theatre, and upcoming projects.
"I think I'm winding down. I don't think I can or want to do these huge musicals anymore..."
"Well, compared to the spectacle that was WIS Follies 4, anything looks like it's 'winding down.'"
He was getting along nicely. He showed me a picture of him holding a stingray while in the Carribean. With so many faculty leaving and unfamiliar faces when I visit, the new construction on campus doesn't look so out of place (METAPHOR METAPHOR!).
Next was TJO aka Tommygun (call him Moose Fiber or Hue-hunky). He was in his office with a swarth of '06-ers, and handled conversation with 6 unrelated people with complete ease. After the new alums left, him and I stayed around for some fun conversation.
"You know Mr. O, with the focus you put into athletics and body awareness, you could be a hell of a stud if you picked up dancing."
"Oh God, Paulie.."
"I'm serious!"
"Here's a little secret Paulie: Athletes make the worst dancers. We're too stiff, too mechanical."
"That's not true! Football players sometimes take ballet."
"I know! Why? Because I took ballet when I played football!"
(Fun fact: Mr. Crocker also revealed a short history of training in Modern Dance).
With both TJO and Larry we reminisced about fun times: My missed entrance in Little Me, what Mr. O said and did in class immediately following Natalie's and my break-up in 10th grade, whether or not Assasins could ever be done at WIS, how Linear Algebra went this semester...
Not getting the space they deserve: Kerri is awesome and so is
her baby, Sra. Ceppa and I didn't have the time I would have liked, and I still remain king of Smash Bros., though the class of '07 has a worthy, wonderful king at the helm (Sr. Villarino).
Later, Ashkar came over for a good round of talkin' followed by some good rounds of Smashin'. He's still my favorite SSB-er, and always one of my favorite everything-elses.
And we laughed. I may laughed harder than I'd ever laughed before, what felt like 20 minutes of non-breathing, tearing up, balled-up-on-the-floor, side-aching laughter.
And it's been established that limes are better than lemons in pretty much everything.
So I go back to Brown tomorrow, and I don't know how I feel about it yet. I'm still sick, and I'm going to be there when no one else is. I'll make it a party somehow...
Until then, I'm off to pick up some über-antibiotics. ^_^