Jun 29, 2006 14:18
The more I read and expose myself to other people's opinions, and to historical contexts on which it is possibly to have an opinion, the more I reveal myself as a feminist and an intellectual, a non-hippy and somewhat of a bitch, and a thoroughly secular and rational person where politics is concerned. Despite myself and not liking those groups and not liking to be labeled besides. "Oh, I'm not a feminist." But all it takes is a quick note of how many books are written about "My Father" by their son, or Famous men's fathers, or the slew of supposedly profound and historically important books about "A father and his son." I know that none of my brothers, and quite possibly no young man period, has a deeper, more profound, more nuanced, more intellectual, more life-changing relationship with -his- father than I do with mine. And there is not a son in the picture that my father has a greater desire for the approval, love and acceptance of his ideas and philosophies by. And I'm sure this goes for a great many women. But most of the writing you get on a "girls" relationship with her "daddy" is all about how she wants him to think she's pretty and shit, and not walk out on her and her mom.
There is as much pathos, as much competition, and as much emotional baggage between a father and his daughter as between a father and his son. If I see one more old white novelist has written a wildly sucessful book about "my father at 85 and how he's shaped my manly, manly life" I'm going to puke on it.