I am not: a mean person.
I love: my family and my friends and hockey.
I hate: not very much.
I fear: losing my family and my friends. My ema when she is mad. o.o
I hope: we can raise Karina the way she should be.
I hear: my baby playing with Hank.
I crave: sex chocolate.
I regret: nothing.
I cry: if Hank cries, or if I see my ema cry.
I care: a lot.
I always: make sure to smile.
I believe: in myself, my husband, and my brother.
I feel alone: sometimes, but never really for a long time.
I listen: to music a lot.
I hide: things from Hank for fun.
I drive: better when I am in Finland. The US is weeeird.
I sing: in the shower and when drunk, but not very well.
I dance: when drunk :P
I write: not nearly as much as I used to.
I play: hockey!
I miss: JYP already.
I search: for a new apartment in Turku soon!
I learn: lots and lots by just listening.
I feel: relaxed and happy.
I know: stuff.
I say: lots at some times, and not lots at others.
I succeed: when I try hard enough.
I dream: some weird dreams sometimes.
I wonder: about random things no one else cares about.
I want: food, right now.
I have: all I want.
I give: as much as I take, or I try.
I fell: in love (I am cheesy too! :D)
I fight: when it counts, but never on the ice! D:
I need: something to eat now.