Feb 16, 2017 06:56
Every day when I awake I go through this process:
1. How do I feel? (1-10)
2. When was the last time I had a day off?
3. What do I have going on today?
4. If I push through today can I take tomorrow off? Is that a better option than cancelling today?
5. If I stay home, what would I do to ensure I don't feel like the day was a complete waste?
Sometimes #1 is quick and easy and I feel great and I pop out of bed and get right to it. But as that rating gets closer to the bad end, I have to ask the rest of the questions.
At least at this appointment (Tuesday), the Dr finally seemed to agree that I'm getting migraines. We're going to try botox injections. I am skeptical, but many patients feel they have been helped by it.