About ten minutes before the thing got started, Jeff and the groomsmen stuffed themselves into this photo booth.
The octopus is Jeff's favourite animal. Here he says hello to the baby one they have at the aquarium.
This picture was part of a collage that was up by the guest book. It's probably my favourite family picture - it was taken when Jeff was maybe a couple weeks old and I was not quite 5. Jeff and I have always been really close and I've tried to be the big sister watching out for him. I kind of cried a little before the wedding even started when I saw that he'd included it.
And the secret is butter! At another friend's wedding, Jeff played a practical joke on them and replaced their rings with plastic ones from the 50-cent gumball machine thing. The groom loved it - the bride, not so much. This was the revenge - a cake made of butter. Jeff HATES butter.
Jeff and me!
"Sorry it's so cold out here, girls - the guys are fine, but you're kind of screwed."
Dave and Dan are a couple of my best friends. I don't get to see them enough.