Apr 12, 2007 18:04
A few new things to note:
I decided to sponsor a child-Busiku Miyanda from Zambia. He is two years old. It really doesn't cost much to make such a difference in someone's life. And, about a week ago, I got a letter from his family. It made things real, and different than just dontating money to a worthy cause. He doesn't have parents, his grandparents take care of him and his four siblings. I hope his life and the life of his family will be made easier...
The other day I offhandedly mentioned to somebody that it doesn't take a long time to drastically change who you are. I've seen it happen several times, one prominately, or so I thought. But after I thought about it, I wonder how much I have changed since I was fourteen or fifteen. And I wonder how much of that change has been because of something beyond my control and how much has been solely because of my own doing. I know I've become more outspoken and more independent, but I wonder if it has all been for the good...if I can look back on it and say that I have changed for the better. I know that I have, but I wonder if other's perceive it as such. I don't really talk to anyone that knew me back then.
To continue the thought in a slightly different way, Lent is over. I know that's not new news, but this year was the first time that I have ever sucessfully given up anything for it, for the entire time, even Sundays. I never get past the first week, much less for six weeks. I've never intentionally gone that long without something in my entire life... something that I was used to having every single day, more than once usually. I'm proud of myself. It was hard, I'm not going to say it wasn't. There were times that temptation almost overcame me, but now that I've made it, I wonder what else I can do, what else I can give up for the better. I heard something on the radio that has empowered me. Because it supposedly takes twenty-one days to make a habit, there was mention of making the attempt to not complain for twenty-one straight days. I want to take that to a higher level...no complaining and nothing negative, whatsoever, for twenty-one days, by then, according to science, I should be broken of the habit. The only reason I'm writing this in here and allowing other people to read it is so I can't get frustrated and forget about it, and because it would be much easier to go somewhere like that with people supporting me. Of all things, that is one of the things I most want... But if not the latter, I can do it on my own. And when it happens, I will have given up cussing, cokes, and complaining all in less than a year, three things that used to be take up so much of my life. I'm going to be a better person, regardless of how much of a struggle it may be to get there.