Another weekend

Mar 05, 2011 10:10

Just me up so far and I'm feeling lazy. Watching the biathlon on Eurosport, a sport I discovered three years ago and totally love. It's the World Championships this weekend. Windy I think, they are missing a lot of targets.

Today will be domestic catch up. I need a maid service, and a gardener. It's hard to keep the house in order when Work is so ( Read more... )

xmasfic, m2

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Comments 6

littleotter73 March 5 2011, 14:20:22 UTC
Oh new pretty background ( ... )


il_mio_capitano March 5 2011, 15:36:13 UTC
I do love biathlon. There's something so very egg-and-spoon about it. Miss the shooting target and you have to do extra laps.

4 hours now. Stop reading LJ and finish packing!

I have stats on this account, but because I don't post fic here, it doesn't really matter. I know more people read this than are on my flist, but that's OK. I'm not that interesting really, (and I stalk people too). But it's rather heartwarming to know 20 people viewed the last chapter of the xmasfic on christmas day. Maybe I'm being dumb, but it seems special to me.

Now go. Fly to Sweeeden and have a great time.


littleotter73 March 5 2011, 15:48:58 UTC
I've been checking things periodically. It's helps me get through the chores.

3 hrs and 5 minutes til i head to the airport. :)


il_mio_capitano March 5 2011, 17:43:20 UTC
*Lights candle in the window.*


seldomifever March 5 2011, 17:20:05 UTC
I can hardly read anything at, most of the stuff is soooo bad.

I find lj stats weird. They hardly make any sense to me. But I when I'm posting regularly, I can't help but check them compulsively. And I'm dying to know who the heck the people who RSS subscribe to my site are.


il_mio_capitano March 5 2011, 17:42:44 UTC
I don't visit ff very often. I rely on recommendations if anything good turns up that isn't here on LJ. I want to be nice and supportive because people are putting effort into things, but what am I, Saint Capitano?

I don't have anyone RSSing either account. What does that actually give people? I'm quite jealous. You have better quality lurkers.


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